I've just completed my complicated work tasks... Finally, I can take a very short break but then there's another busy and stress period. Sighh.... I'm bored of this. I need a long break...
Tammy is the first thing I checkout when I back home... I know that she won't respond to me.. But, I'm happy to see her after work and the stress from work will be eased. Sound abit crazy I know..hahahaa. I need a sewing machine... :( Sew her clothes by hand is time consuming and my fingers are pain like hell.

Tammy new photos... :P Thought wanna post some photos of Tammy with the dress or blouses I made her... But I'm too lazy to take any photos or edit them... Soon soon... will try to post abit then :P. My new blythe - Veronica Lace is on her way now... wow...excited!!! Tammy can't wait to meet her new friend too. Emmm... I have to give her a name... eemm...

Tammy on my coke collection.. :P. I'm kinda sad actually... because I accidently left an ink mark on Tammy's wrist... sigh!!!! I tried many ways to clean it.... but it can't be removed!!! Arghhhh!!!