Monday, December 07, 2009

Hardworking ~

I'm kinda 'hardworking' recently. Always bring my 40D out for photo shooting.. anyway, there's good events for me to shoot.. eg. wedding & gathering. Uploaded photos in FB... but lazy to upload them here.. kakakakaka....

Oh ya, I have tendered my resignation letter. Last day will be in the middle of January... then I will be jobless. Any plan for my future? I wanna take a break first... and looking for more freelance job as what I have on hand now. Maybe will find some part time job... Looking for business opprotunities as well. Sourcing... sourcing and sourcing now..

I know it won't be easy. But I'm tired of working life... getting bored on routine things.. getting frustrated on taking order and taking blames...

Wish me luck.. pray hard for my future!!!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Unhappiness ~

OK, I'm not happy with my job. That's fine... and I think this shit happened everywhere. Wherever there are human, there are all these shit.

I thought of wanna tender my resignation now but all the people around me 'advise' me to tender after I get the bonus. yaya.. I know, I looks stupid if I tender the resignation now and forego the socalled bonus, not that it's very much by the way...and I don't think I will get much since the lausy people being so unhappy with me. I even get the most little socalled 'increament' in my salary this year although I'm the longest who work in this department. OK, work longer doesn't equal to higher increament.. but at least not the lowest one lah.. damn it!!

My problem is... I don't wanna deal with the lausy people again!!!

My co-workers are great.. only those that sitting at above level and thought that all their SUGGESTIONs are 100% correct and unhappy when someone told them that this shit is not going to work. Ya.. I know.. this shit happened on everyone who in working field. I just don't want to deal with these shit anymore now!!! At least, give me a f**king break lahhhh!!!

I can deal with the most terrible HOD in their eyes for 1 years, and then the kind lady for another year, and then a very nice Accountant for another year but not with this double faces HOD for half year! You know, double faces... smile infront of you, speak nicely infornt of you but in fact stabbing at your back.


Sorry about my rudeness. I'm tulan

I think I'm going to tender soon.... let me consider awhile on whether my happiness is more important or the bonus.