Monday, December 15, 2008

3D Games...

I hate 3D games...

I'm not a game person but SOMEONE is.... I was very bored last night and was sitting there watching SOMEONE playing his new PS3 game - 'Fallout'. I thought it is kinda exciting as there's always got some 'insane survivor' come and attack you, or some weird creatures comes.

By sitting there for 5 to 10 minutes on and off for the whole night from 9pm to 11pm, I start to feel abit uneasy... abit dizzy, headache and feeling very sick. Then I walked away as I really feel terrible by looking at the big screen...

I thought I will be better after I lie on bed... but I'm not, in fact, I vomitted 3 times in a roll and feel more sick then.

In case you suspect, I'm not pregnant although I wish... hahahaha...

I think I will try not to watch it anymore... Forgive me, but I start to hate 3D game now... :P

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