I had a weird dream.....
I went to an island for holidays with bunch of my friends and my socalled BF in the dream. I bumped into Mr. K [ a very old guy friend of mine ] and then the scene come to that we went around the island together and we decided to back to our hotel room for a bath. He went to take his bath and then my turn. As a 'no guts' person I am, I asked him to wait for me in the room. I feel not easy & uncomfortable when I'm taking my shower.. and I though it's me that over sensitive. Then, I saw a very light shadow on the mirror and it really freak me out. I shower myself fast and get out of the bathroom. A girl walking towards me when I stepped out of the bathroom, and smile. I do not know this girl in my dream, therefore I asked her where is Mr. K? She said he is settling the bill at the hotel reception and asked me not to worry. She asked me how am i feeling, of course I do feel weird on her question. So I asked her why she asked so? There she told me that Mr.K been searching for me when I was missing for 7 years!!!! HA?????? I've been missing for 7 years???? But in my memory, I was in the bathroom all the while and it's just about 10min businesss!!! I asked her what's happend?? How I got missing? How they found me?? She didnt answer a single question of mine. There come Mr. K walking into the room with a smile on his face. I asked him the same questions. I wanted to know the truth so badly... I wanted to know why he been searching for me for 7 years??? I asked him where is my BF??? He told me that he got married with another girl. I'm sad.

Mr. K and I back to our 'hometown'... and still no one wanna tell me about my 'missing' and I wanted to know the truth so badly. I went to a temple, meet an old lady... I told the old lady I wanna know what's happened to me in these 7 years and how I got missing. The old lady sort of hypnotised me and bring me back to the day the incidence happened... I saw myself was taking shower in the bathroom, there come a demon.. it looks like it got horns and whole body is black... he did something and make me passed out and drag me out from the bathroom on my leg... imagine, just like a hunter dragging what he hunted. He even apply mud all over my body... for don't know what purpose...
Then.... I was too scared and woke up from my dream... I told SOMEONE and my colleagues about my dream.. they all laughed not because of my weird dream.. but because Mr.K waited and searched me for 7 years!!! Unbelievable... hahahahaa... so bad huh... Anyway, I feel touched in my dream that Mr. K is actually so kind to search for me for 7 years!!! even my BF in the dream didn't do that at all!!! What a good friend Mr. K is.... Must appreciate him more.. hahahaha....
I even found a photo that looks exactly same as the demon in my dream!!!! scary!!!!!

SOMEONE said that my dream is so drama and it's a good story for a movie making.. but of course, there has more to modify to be a more logical movie lah....
Anyway, I been neglected this blog for such a long time... Not only that I'm lazy.. but I'm very busy at work and tired when off work too... Sigh, is this a sign that I'm getting old? Chinese New Year is just around the corner... But, the mood is still low... I don't have the mood for Chinese New Year nowadays because I have to give out ANGPAOzzz!!!!! :P