First of all, I would like to say THANKS to SOMEONE who been so sweet and lovely that give me this suprise gift!!! I love it so much!!!!!SOMEONE got me this book through pre-order from M*H.... with such a high price of rm99.90 compared to T*S** and Carr*f**r... This is the NORMAL selling price for my fav HARRY POTTER series...However, someone spoiled the market by lowered the price to RM69.90!!! This is f**king unfair!!!!! However, SOMEONE did not cancelled his order... and luckily he did not.... or else, I have to que at Carr*f**r on 5am Saturday morning... Crazzyyyy....Another most XXXX thing is... I not yet start to read a single page of this final book of Harry Potter series... but, I already know the ending... THIS IS ALL DUE TO THE KEPOH NEWSPAPERSSSSSSS..... THEY SHOULDN'T TELL ME THE ENDING!!!!
aiyerrrrr..... terribleeeeee.....Anyway.... I'm going to read it page by page..... I think I might take some time to finish this... I'm kinda occupied lately.... too many to do but too little time....Sighh... why tell me the ending???????