Wowww.... Finally... I watched it on da first day it comes on screen in M'sia.
Not much monsters, no ghosts.... Got a kiddy Giant, Voldemort, skeleton horses..... That's all I can name out from the movie... Did I missed out any cutey monsters?? Hope not....
It's good anyway.... the fight between the Dumbledore's Army with "Voldemort's Army" is kinda exciting even though it's just very bried and short time compare to the book. Death of Sirius is also too easy and simply.... It make me feel like..."HA??? SO EASY TO DIE???" even though he just fighted beautifully a second ago... What a XXXXXXXXXX....
Another funny scene is when Harry just simply kiss the Asian Girl- Cho. She was talking about Cedric, her so called ex-bf... missing him while crying infront of Harry... talking about him with Harry... and the next second, she is kissing with Harry... ?????? Aisehhhh!!! What is thisssss???? And the worse thing is... SHE ENJOYED THE KISS!!!!! OK laahhhh.... you may say that I'm jealous laaahhhh... but it's really doesn't make any sense... :P
I would prefer the previous 4 Harry Potter Series compare to this... Anyway, it's not that bad.. just that it's more on MENTALLY than PHYSICALLY compare to those previous 4.... and you might need to be the fans that read the book to understand well on what's going on as the movie actually expected you are a fans of Harry Potter. I think SOMEONE actually feel bored.... Hahahahahhaha.....
As a conclusion, this is still the Harry Potter I like laahhh..... Kakkakakakaaka... No matter what..... :P
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