I feel very upset for my gf's marriage. I do not know how to comfort her or advice her on the matters she told me yesterday when we chat on MSN. She is currently pregnant and her baby is due soon, very soon which is around September. She is carrying a baby girl which will be one of my god daughter.
She didn't see her husband for 5 days already. WHY? The reason the husband given is, WORK. It's not that he is outstation or overseas. I do not understand how can a man left his wife alone when she is pregnant and moreover she is due soon! It's fine if he has to go overseas or outstation for few days, but with him in the city and do not give a fucking damn shit on the wife is not forgiveable at all!!! He doesn't even bother to give a call to the wife, or even a short sms by asking the wife.."hey, sweetheart, how are you and our baby?". A short call, will not take your bloody full day. A short call, will warm her heart by indicating to her that you do care and miss them even you are fucking busy. Ok fine, maybe he is really god damn fucking busy... but, when she called, he told her that he is busy and will call her back. Then, not even a single missed call for the whole day as he promised! This is too much!!!!!
I didn't show her my anger and upset when she telling me about this as I do not want to let her feel more depress at this stage. I believe that she is already very upset about this and I just don't want to put more pressure on her now. My gf is always very tough and independent... but it's so sad with a hubby like that. The hubby used to be a very caring, lovely and sticky bf before they married... drastic change on his attitude, behaviour immediately right after married... Why is it so??? I do not understand.. I bet my gf does not understand the hidden reason too.
I told SOMEONE about this, he said it is very suspecious. I feel the same too. I can't take if my love one do not give a damn on me, eg. do not show up/ call/ sms in 24 hours. :P My gf been tolerating with him for almost one year!!!! I will go crazy if SOMEONE treating me like this... I will have depression because I'm always a person with all sorts of imagination and crazy thought. You may say that I lack of sense of security... and over sensitive.
I thought, marriage is a promise to love, to care, to appreciate your love one forever till death seperate them??? I thought, hubby normally will be very happy and caring when the wife is pregnant. Why this man do not appreciate the wife who actually risking her life by bringing their baby to this world? Why this man can neglect the wife and don't even bother to send a short and simple regards to the wife and baby?? The man we know is no longer the same. He changed.. to a stranger that we do not know. We have no clue on it... What's happened?? Why is it so??? Why he treat my gf like that????
I asked SOMEONE will he treat me like this after married?? I asked SOMEONE will he change into a stranger after married? I asked SOMEONE will he not care of me after married? I'm glad that his answer is NO... But who knows??? No worry, SOMEONE, actually, you did lift me up from my past alot... I definately will not change the way I treat you [coz I'm always the real me]...
It's mad to know about the B**T**D Hubby!!!
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