"Is your closet overflowing with never-worn clothing, the price tags still waving in the breeze? Is your attic bulging with boxes and boxes of shoes that have never touched pavement? Do you buy new makeup or accessories by the fistful?"
My answer --> YES!!!! I even bought so many cute, small items, bags, handbags, snacks... etc and didn't touch on it. But I didn't buy them in fistful lahhh... maybe I'm not that serious type yet....
Arghhh... I'm a shopaholic!!!!
Do not think that men have no SHOPAHOLIC ya... It's just the different word to describe it. Men are 'collectors,' women are 'shopaholics'.... What a nice name. But why we [women] can't be the COLLECTORS too???? We do collect handbags, clothes, shoes, comestics, frangances, accessories... bla bla bla bla... Why can't we be catagorised as COLLECTORS too???
According to Black, a German psychiatrist - we are perfectly aware of what we are doing. "Intellectually, they know that their closets and maybe their attic is full, but then they will be in the store and think, well, maybe I do need this one blouse or this will come in handy or I don't have one in this particular shade so I'll buy it. They usually hide it from their husbands. They do have feelings of guilt."
Hahahhaha....ya, I always aware that my big wardrobe is full and it's no longer enough for me to buy anymore clothes. Sure I feel guilty when I saw new clothes lying in my wardrobe with the price tag hanging on.. I will take it out, try on it, examine myself in the mirror and put the clothes back into my wardrobe. Then, forget about it.
Black says the typical shopaholic cycle is not unlike that of the compulsive gambler -- or even the serial killer. "What the patients will typically describe is they have a baseline preoccupation with shopping, they're always thinking about it, and a tension builds and they have to satisfy that tension by going out and shopping. That relieves the tension, at least for the time being," he says. Some shop out of loneliness, others for the rush of it, still others to fill some inner need. Some seek greater self-esteem, others use it to battle depression. Some shop to return to a happy childhood, others to escape a bad one. But few shopaholics consider it a debilitating disorder until the spiral of debt or marital discord leaves them no other choice.
I shop for seeking greater self-esteem, to fight my loneliness, to comfort my painful heart. I started to buy things uncontrollable since the day my ex dumped me... I spend all the monies in our joint account, to revenge? Maybe... And I feel so much better by spending monies.. Ever since, I started my shopaholic lifestyle... I changed my hair style, I changed my dressing style... I changed myself... Of course I did try to stop myself to shop like mad... But, I can't. I just can't stop my desire to buy something, no matter what it is. Sighh.... I do feel guilty.
Recently, I love to browse on ONLINE SHOPS... Fashions, accessories... I bought myself a dress... That I yet can fit in and I'm taking is as my GOAL for myself to slim down till I'm able to fit it!! OK!!!! I'm 100% a shopaholic!!!
I'm now trying hard not to buy anything, I try not to buy clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, snacks, food, groceries.... I try not to bring much money with me, I keep my credit cards at home... I'm telling myself that I do not need all these thingssss... I'm telling myself that I must save money and get myself out of the deep shit!!! Ya, I got debts that I can't bear ..... Sighh... It's been such a long time that I didn't buy any clothes... I will feel depressed if I didn't go for shopping for some time or I didn't buy anything when I go for shopping.
I promised myself that I must quit this!!!!!! Not only for myself, but for SOMEONE too. Thanks for your caring, your love and everything.
I am a Shopaholic.....
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