Money not enough!!
I want to complain!!!! Why everything go crazy??? Why prices keep going up and up and up?? Why our salary never increase even a single cent????
Sigh... I already eat less, shop less and always sit at home watch tv or dvd.. still I feel that money is not enough!!! OK lah, I can't totally not to go shopping as my house need maintenance, my stomach need to be filled, my feets need to be protected, my face need to be pampered and my body needs to be covered mahhh... How to avoid??? Somemore, we drive to work due to the inconvenient of public transport and traffic jam almost everywhere.. tell me, how to be punctual to work if we do not drive? Car pool? How I wish I can find someone stay near my house and work at the same area with me. Sighh.... Sighhhh..... Car maintenance, petrol, car wash, tolls, road tax, car insurance... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
We are only tiny tiny citizen in the country that earning peanut... how are we going to survive on all these??? Why so many people WALKING ON STREET WITH CARDBOARD?? Because our burden is so so so so so heavy and we can hardly breath... I can feel the heavy burden because I also earning peanut....
How to earn more moniessss?????? I did try to get some freelance work... but so far I only able to have one job, then another one still dragging as the BOSS is too occupied to pass me the material...sighhhh... I want money!! Looks like I have to be more aggressive... Moreover, I heard that we got no BONUS!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill me better lah!!!
I want money!!!! I want moniesss!!!!!!
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