I'm now in the stage of making the hardest decision that I ever have in my life.. I'm not getting marry lah! No one proposed to me yet.. and I don't think there has any will do that to me now... Hahahaha... Can't see any potential guy will propose to me, but it will be a very lovely thing if there has anyone that come and propose to me.
Ops.. back to the decision making...
Im leaving my current company soon, actually I already accepted a job offer from the same industry. There shouldn't have any problem at all, and I'm well preparing myself to join the new company. Suddenly, my ex boss called me up and offer me a high pay, less job, no hassle, relax job. Wow.. tempting. Been working with this ex boss of mine for 2 years, we can work well together, why she became my EX BOSS? It's because the company we been worked for...winding up..hahahaha...ya.. BANKRUPT...'JAP LAP' [In cantonese]!!! So, that's how we become EX... :)
The pay she offered me is 100% tempting because I don't know how many years I have to spend at that company, then only I will have that pay. So, now my decision is going no where.. I have talk to the Accountant and she seems like no interest on the person I'm introducing to her even the person is kinda suit to the post she offered me. I do understand that I already signed the letter and I have to keep my promise. I'm a person that very hold to my own promises and that's why I'm so into this difficult situation.
For my ex boss side.. she really wish that I can assist her by taking this wonderful offer of her. It's really wonderful. Irresistable offer. And, what is the best thing is, she knows my background so well and understand my situation. She is a very understanding lady and working with her is a pleasure.
But, I feel god damn guilty if I just walk over like that. My Honey suggestion is, go and work at the company but inform them that you will resign on the 1st day of working and leave the company in one month time. I feel that's not really nice to do it that way but that's the only way. I think I will just do what my Honey suggested me as it's at least.. logic and da best way.
I do feel bad on this. I do not look for other job after I got that job offer, my ex boss doesn't even know that I actually resigned from my company. This is just coincidence. I got 2 good job at once and I have to squeeze my mind to terribly and think on it. Decision making is not easy, have to considere both sides.. and have to take care of their feelings.
Money is a big issue for me as I have so many commitments. And the money my ex boss offer is taking consideration on my situation. See.. how could I reject her with such a good intention?? Sighh.... I feel so pressure as both sides also keep calling me and waiting for my answer only. I feel damn damn damn damn guilty to that company.
Be frank, my heart already fly to the HIGHER PAY job... but my ethic telling me that I can't just walk off like that. So, what should I do???? I signed the letter at the 1st place, I'm well preparing myself to join them... I'm looking forward to work with the team... suddenly.. there come a god damn tempting offer.. how to choose? which one should I go for?
Job A- International Company, Friendly working environment, Friendly and kind and nice Department Head, Got some friends in the company, offered pay is normal, 13th month salary, yearly salary review....
Job B- Local Company, dealing with Government business, Very friendly and caring Head, Much higher salary, relax working environment, not much job, have to assist on some P.A work, No hassle work, Don't know got 13th mths or not...
My Opinion....
JobA- for career exposure
JobB- for money
I need money desperately.. but I wan career exposure. This is why.. I'm so shaking.
I need to give them an answer tomorrow.
My best solution- Offer them that I will work with them for a month.. and I will go to my Ex Boss's company.
Sigh... I know.. I know someone will definately angry on me.
I'm sorry, but I need to survive and have a better life.. with better pay.
Only money can guarantee me on this now.