柠檬草的味道歌手:蔡依林 专辑:城堡
离席了才会晓得怀念[They were gueesing whether we still meeting each other;
After seperate only we will remember what missing is]
那触动依然像昨天[I remember your face suddenly;
Everything is just like yesterday]
[It prove something to myself]
是不是回忆就是淡淡柠檬草 心酸里又有芳香的味道
[Is memory smell like lemon grass;
smell sweet in the sour]
曾以为你是全世界 但那天已经好遥远[You were my world; but that's already too far from me]
[I only realised I have my own world after a big round]
我们都没错 只是不适合 我要的我现在才懂得[It's not our fault; It's just that we are not compatible]
快乐是我的不是你给的 寂寞要自己负责
[The happiness is mine, not given by you;
I have to bear on my own loneliness]
毕竟用尽了力气也未必如愿 总是要过去以後才了解[Things won't turn up as you wish even you have used up your energy;
This only be understood after it is past]
突然我记起你的脸 爱不爱不过一念之间
[Suddenly I remember your face;
Love or not is only a thought]
[I can only face myself after a big round]
我们都没错 只是不适合 亲爱的我当时不懂得
[It's not our fault; It's just that we are not compatible;
I don't know about it that time, my dear]
选择是我的 不是你给的 明天自己负责
[The choice is mine, not given by you;
I have to be responsible for my tomorrow]
给昨天的我一个拥抱 曾经她不知如何是好
[Give a hug to the yesterday; she used to be miserable]
[I will smile if we meet again]
谢谢你谢谢你 [Thank you, Thank you]
我嚐过爱的好[I been tasted the good of love]
我们都没错 只是不适合 我要的我现在才懂得
[It's not our fault; It's just that we are not compatible;
I know what I want now]
快乐是我的不是你给的 寂寞要自己负责
[The happiness is mine, not given by you;
I have to bear on my own loneliness]
我要的我现在才懂得 选择是我的不是你给的
[I know what I want now;
The choices is mine, not given by you]
幸福要自己负责 错过的请你把握
[Happiness is my own responsibility;
Please on hold on something that you have missed out]
The most touching song that I ever heard in my life. Maybe it's because it described my feelings 100%. I won't blame that he betrayed me, I do not suit him. I won't blame him on what he did to me, I only feel that maybe I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough to keep him. I'm not good enough to have him in my life. I'm not good enough for him to appreciate my love to him. No one can be blame when a relationship is broken. Both parties have the responsibilities on it, but, what's his responsibilities?
The hurt will never be cure. Jeannie asked me to let it go, he is an history since long time ago. But, I still living in history. I did try my best to let him go. But I unable tot make it easily. I did try hard to let him go.. leaving me an empty space in my heart, so that I can fit another guy into my heart. But the space is still occupied by him. I cried da whole afternoon while listening to this song. SHIT!! Such a stupic old woman!
I'm stupid!!!!!!!!!