Saturday, June 11, 2005


Today, were chatting with a friend in MSN. We talked about PARTNER. Partner, as per my defination, is someone who filled up your loneliness but without the feelings of care and love on you/ without emotional attachment. Boy-Friend, is someone who fillep up your loneliness with feelings of care and love/ with emotional attachment. For a metro girl as me, I should choose PARTNER, but.. I did not.

PARTNER is someone who I will used to chitchat, go for movie, go for coffee or to the extreme.. go to bed with. I won't want to have any emotional attachment with them. Or maybe I will fall in love with them accidently [this happened when I was young], but not now anymore. I found that I need a steady Boy-Friend more than any partner nowadays. It's all because that PARTNER unable to filled up my mentally loneliness.

Time to settle down with all those rubbish? I'm not sure about this. I'm just too tired to be alone. I just need a shoulder to lie on... I need a hug when I had a bad day.. I need a pair of ear when I feel like talking or complaining.. I need a kiss when I need it to comfort my lonely heart.. I need a companion when I wanted to go for a movie.. I need a big warm hand to hold on mine when crossing the buzy traffic.. I need.... I need....

PARTNER unable to give me all the above.

Maybe... I do need a Boy-Friend.... and maybe not...

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