Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Goshhh.... I'm getting more and more lazy.... I sleept at 3-4am everynight.. I woke up by 11am everyday... GOSH!!!! I can't believe that my life will be so lazy!! Then, I will brush my teeth, wash my lovely angel- like face and take my brunch... while I'm reading newspaper.. watching those 2 aliens running around me and screaming or crying for don't know what reasons. Then I will help my mama watching on the two aliens because she need to prepare the foods for tonight's dinner. When it comes to 1pm ++, I will rush the aliens into the room like rushing lambz back into their yard... hahahahaha.... preparing them for their nap! OK!! bed is done, door is closed, both of them are rolling on the bed, and I will set myself comfortable on the other bed and...sleep! AGAIN!! yes!!! :P After mama get her things done, she will come in and take her nap, it's time for me to wake up and get lost. hahahahhaha.... Sometimes, I will go online within this hour, if I'm not too tired ya.. If not, I will back to my room and continue my sweet dream! :P oooOoOoOooO... I'm piggy! I know.. hahahahaha..

There are always more possibilities happened for my days. Maybe I will go for interview, shopping, coffee or lepak in Adxus! hahahahahaha... Life without job is god damn boring! Lifeless, Meaningless, Hopeless, Useless!!

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