Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm lucky.......

News from newspapere- A beautiful girl been killed by snatch thief. The thief stabbed at her heart and took away her handbag. The girl died on the way her bf send her to hospital. Such a heart breaking news. I'm lucky, I'm very lucky...... The bastard did not stab me, parang me, drag me along the road.. he only hurt my arm.

I only lost my mobile phone, my lovely purse, my cash, my coffee bean's redeemable cards, my credit cards, my atm cards, my comestic, my new handbag.

Just take what you want lah, bastard! Why want to stab her, hurt her? Does this make you feel great? Why we are getting less and less appreciate on human life? Why human never cherish life? Especially other's life. This is such a pain and shame.

Men are getting more and more selfish. They only care on what they will get instead of others. They only have ME in their mind. They only know ME but not US. Such a hopeless world.. our world is no longer a beautiful place for our children. It's cruel, selfish, materialistic, pressure, polluted. poor children... should I bring you to this hopeless world?? Should I bring you to this world and have a torturing life?

Maybe I should re-considerate on whether to bring my children to this world or not. This is too hopeless for them.. I do not wish that they will live in a world I'm experiencing now.

Should I?? my children. I wish, I can hear your answer.... I wish I know your will.

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