Thursday, October 05, 2006


When I’m so god damn buzy on arguing with someone, there come this long lost Mr. A asked for forgiveness. Fucking irritating bastard. Why can’t let me rest in peace??!?!?!?!? Wish I’m death and do not need to argue and being irritated.

Being such a nasty terrible lady I am, of course I did scolded his brain off [scold people is my hobby]. Then he told me that he know he did wrongly, he admitted that he is a jerk and bastard. He said he hope that I will forgive him on what he did to me, he will do whatever to get my forgiveness, even knee in front of me. Sound sweet?? So touching eh??

Too bad that I'm too fucking bad to give him my forgiveness.

Once the trust has lost, no way to gain back.

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