当你遇到一个可以容忍你的小姐脾气/ 会剥虾给你吃/ 会陪你出席宴会,载你去吹头,化妆/ 还担心你化妆时会口渴,饥饿/ 尽量不和你吵架/ 常听你发唠叨又不太插嘴/ 会在半梦中因你发脾气而打电话给你/ 记得你常用的卫生用品的品牌,还会帮你买的男人[虽然买错了香味]。我想,应该觉得幸福吧。
Sunday, November 26, 2006
我开始可怜自己。我是那么的难以被爱吗??还是我太固执,太执着了?我不着急,但是我开始感到可悲了。一路走来,我以为我会与他长久的,全是一场春梦。受伤害的只是我自己,因为我爱的很深, 非常深。
我开始可怜自己。我是那么的难以被爱吗??还是我太固执,太执着了?我不着急,但是我开始感到可悲了。一路走来,我以为我会与他长久的,全是一场春梦。受伤害的只是我自己,因为我爱的很深, 非常深。
Wedding Dinner #4

Shanice's Wedding Dinner @ Concord Hotel, 25.11.2006
Another busy wedding dinner as I need to help at the reception again. This time is a very messy and terrible one. Jeannie [best friend] and myself are so in mess as the person in charge is soooo.... MESS in his own plan. Not that I want to say bad about the name listing plan, but it's really not organised well.
Due to the respect to Shanice and due to the importancy of us, Jeannie [best friend] and myself went to do our hair and make up. My SOMEONE is so sweet and send me for all this faking process...[hair doing and make up]. SOMEONE even brought me my fav EXTREME MOCHA when I'm doing my make up at the BENEFIT counter [BENEFIT is a brand new comestic that from San Francisco, very wonderful and easy-to-use comestic; I LOVE IT]. Please refer to the above photos attached. I like this make up than the previous one as this is more natural and make me looks like.... ANGEL.. a sexy one. LOLZ!!!!!!
We only able to close the reception around 830pm as some of the guests are late... however, by the time we leave the reception, there are still "not yet arrive" guests. Malaysian... very well known by this usual habits. Overall, the food is not bad.. The bride is beautiful of course.
Due to the gathering, wedding dinners and my laming period... My battle [slimming plan] has no progress... No result. Still the same. Sigh.... sad case. I wanna lose 5kg more!!!! Damn it!!! should not eat liaooooooooooooo
More and more wedding dinners to come on December!!!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I was browsing on my friendster’s list. I’m looking through all my friends’ friends’ list… Ya, I’m too free and nothing better to do. Suddenly, I saw a very familiar face!!! My EX!!
I feel like a hit on my heart. It has been like ages that I have no news from anyone about him or I never bump into him at all. Maybe he did saw me from very far away but choose to avoid me. I always know that he is trying his fucking best not to see me due to his guiltiness. But, as a blur girl as me, I never saw him pass by or what-so-ever.
No, it’s not that I still have some kind of feelings towards him. It’s more like a long lost friend that suddenly appear in front of you and you will feel CURIOUS on how he is doing now [after all, I’m a damn busy body girl]. From the photos I see, he is slightly gay than last time, maybe for ‘OTHERS’, it is what they call it STYLISH. But for me, it is so GAY.
Why I said so?? I always think that I’m a kinda open minded person in no matter relationship or fashion. But, for a guy who wear RED PANTS… it’s freaking me out. This is never the person I know 7 years ago. No doubt that he is a VERY OBEY BF as he will wear whatever his GF bought him. But I do think it’s over-do by asking my own BF to wear a RED PANTS… I can’t accept it. Or maybe I’m getting old and outdated, but he is getting more and more FASHIONABLE.
In my eyes, he looks more like a pimp than anything now. Maybe it’s a good thing that he does changed to a more stylish man than last time, that only JEANS are his good buddy. Think that he is having his HAPPY life by looking at his photo as he smile so HAPPILY with his RED PANTS.
Awww… I shouldn’t criticize…... after all, he is my ex… even though he is a bastard that betrayed me. But, I really can’t help when I look at the photo…. GOSH!! IT IS SO GAY!!!!!!!
I feel like a hit on my heart. It has been like ages that I have no news from anyone about him or I never bump into him at all. Maybe he did saw me from very far away but choose to avoid me. I always know that he is trying his fucking best not to see me due to his guiltiness. But, as a blur girl as me, I never saw him pass by or what-so-ever.
No, it’s not that I still have some kind of feelings towards him. It’s more like a long lost friend that suddenly appear in front of you and you will feel CURIOUS on how he is doing now [after all, I’m a damn busy body girl]. From the photos I see, he is slightly gay than last time, maybe for ‘OTHERS’, it is what they call it STYLISH. But for me, it is so GAY.
Why I said so?? I always think that I’m a kinda open minded person in no matter relationship or fashion. But, for a guy who wear RED PANTS… it’s freaking me out. This is never the person I know 7 years ago. No doubt that he is a VERY OBEY BF as he will wear whatever his GF bought him. But I do think it’s over-do by asking my own BF to wear a RED PANTS… I can’t accept it. Or maybe I’m getting old and outdated, but he is getting more and more FASHIONABLE.
In my eyes, he looks more like a pimp than anything now. Maybe it’s a good thing that he does changed to a more stylish man than last time, that only JEANS are his good buddy. Think that he is having his HAPPY life by looking at his photo as he smile so HAPPILY with his RED PANTS.
Awww… I shouldn’t criticize…... after all, he is my ex… even though he is a bastard that betrayed me. But, I really can’t help when I look at the photo…. GOSH!! IT IS SO GAY!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Aiya...now I'm a useless people... lame & sitting at home, online.. not really do anything... Sighhh...VERY SAD!!!!!!!
I'm desperate for a job... desperatelyyyyy.... Went for few interviews..but still haven't get any reply or call back... Myself is interested in only one company that is doing RECYCLE MANAGEMENT.
Useless people still have to squeeze out monies to attend wedding dinnersssss... I'm thinking whether should I find some excuses and not to attend plus no need to give ang pao... :P Hahahaha..damn kiasu!! But I'm so pity!!!!! How??? How????
However, this useless people still walking here & there.... window shopping.... :P but, it's so torture to walk around in the mall when your wallet has nothing to fulfill your DESIRE... Sighhh.. somemore eh, christmas is coming mahh... nice clothes everywhere... so tempting!!! I saw a shoe kinda nice and comfortable, cost RM39.90... I did not buy it because I have to "CONTROL"!!!!!
I'm very upset!!! I'm very down!!!!! I want a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
** above is the useless people's photo taken on the laming period.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Little Black Dress......

Due to so many dinners coming to me... I forced to buy so many dresses and skirts... these are 2 dresses I bought yesterday @ Sg Wang.. very cheap and nice.. :P Sexy as well... My mom shocked when I wear it and show her.. Hahahhahaha... It's too sexy in her eyes as the deep V is too deep and can see my small "longkang" [ I do not have any longkang lah...] Should wear PUSHUP BRA to make it bigger.
The first dress is nice and just need to sew abit on the DEEP V...coz it actually open too widely.. and will expose my lovely breast if did not sew it abit. My mom keep saying..."so sexy!! Can see whole thing liaoo..." "aiya...where got?!?!" "ha?? like that also didn't show everything?" "aiya...no lah...OK mah..." [look look in the mirror...] "aiya..looks like my breast really kinda big horrr??" "ha!!! Now only you know ha??" -__- "
The second dress looks abit conservative and not so sexy and not so nice...but when you wear it on, you looks amazingly slim!!!!! Hahahaha...and the deep V is kinda deep also..... but not so deep as the 1st one... Anyway, I like both of them... :)
Aiya...I'm broke!!! due to all wedding dinnersssss
Battle again.....
Battle going to start soon.... battle with my body fatsssssssssssssss
Ya, after lose 5KG... I'm still very greedy to lose more...and more and more...
The battle will start by today.....
Let's see how much I can lose this time...
Period : 17th Nov 2006 - 31st Dec 2006.
The new me on Year 2007!!!!!!!!!
My new year resolution always the same... LOSE WEIGHT!
Hope that I really able to make it!!!
Ya, after lose 5KG... I'm still very greedy to lose more...and more and more...
The battle will start by today.....
Let's see how much I can lose this time...
Period : 17th Nov 2006 - 31st Dec 2006.
The new me on Year 2007!!!!!!!!!
My new year resolution always the same... LOSE WEIGHT!
Hope that I really able to make it!!!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Final Day......
Final day....
Feel nothing on this.. numb... forced to accept it and desperately for a new job. Sigh... my life is sux!
Latest update on WEDDING DINNERS..
Sept06 - 1
Oct06 - 2
Nov06 - 1
Dec06 - 3
Jan06 - 1
Feb06 - 0
Mar06 - 1
Beside these wedding dinners that will add so much fats in my body.. This week also got 2 so called dinner... Tuesday and Thursday. I must control!!! to lose 5kg is not easy!! I wanted to lose 5kg more... so I can dress to kill. Looks like it's getting more and more difficult for me to reach my target. Emmm... No worry!! I will try my best!! worse case, do not eat at all!! :P Aiyaa... I won't lah... I love to eat like hell.. won't stop eating just because want to slim down...
God, let me lose 5kg more and 5kg more and 5kg more..... Ops...too greedy. :P
God, please let me lose weight very soon till my body figure is 36-24-36!!!! [SHOUT TO GOD]
[Ah!! that's much better!! Kekekeke....]
Feel nothing on this.. numb... forced to accept it and desperately for a new job. Sigh... my life is sux!
Latest update on WEDDING DINNERS..
Sept06 - 1
Oct06 - 2
Nov06 - 1
Dec06 - 3
Jan06 - 1
Feb06 - 0
Mar06 - 1
Beside these wedding dinners that will add so much fats in my body.. This week also got 2 so called dinner... Tuesday and Thursday. I must control!!! to lose 5kg is not easy!! I wanted to lose 5kg more... so I can dress to kill. Looks like it's getting more and more difficult for me to reach my target. Emmm... No worry!! I will try my best!! worse case, do not eat at all!! :P Aiyaa... I won't lah... I love to eat like hell.. won't stop eating just because want to slim down...
God, let me lose 5kg more and 5kg more and 5kg more..... Ops...too greedy. :P
God, please let me lose weight very soon till my body figure is 36-24-36!!!! [SHOUT TO GOD]
[Ah!! that's much better!! Kekekeke....]
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Arghhhhh....anyone to rescue me from.... WEDDING DINNERS?????
The game is getting more and more excited!!!! Last night I received a sms from my ex-colleague.. mentioned that she would like to invite me to her wedding dinner on December... HELP ME!!!
So, the list will be as below : -
Sept06 - 1
Oct06 - 2
Nov06 - 1
Dec06 - 2
Jan07 - 1
Feb07 - 0
Mar07 - 1
Where am I going to have so much EXTRA MONIES to spend on - dress/ hair/ makeup/ angpao/ parking/ petrol???
I'm dying!!! I think I need to go to coffee bean and ASK for DONATION!!! At least, I still can enjoy a piece of cheesecake without take out money from my own wallet!!!! WHY????? Why everyone so rush to marry this year???? cannot marry nexy year?? next next year??? why all can't wait to marry in this year?!?!?!!?!?
Please!!! anyone, please marry me!! I want to BOMB ppl too!!!!!!
The game is getting more and more excited!!!! Last night I received a sms from my ex-colleague.. mentioned that she would like to invite me to her wedding dinner on December... HELP ME!!!
So, the list will be as below : -
Sept06 - 1
Oct06 - 2
Nov06 - 1
Dec06 - 2
Jan07 - 1
Feb07 - 0
Mar07 - 1
Where am I going to have so much EXTRA MONIES to spend on - dress/ hair/ makeup/ angpao/ parking/ petrol???
I'm dying!!! I think I need to go to coffee bean and ASK for DONATION!!! At least, I still can enjoy a piece of cheesecake without take out money from my own wallet!!!! WHY????? Why everyone so rush to marry this year???? cannot marry nexy year?? next next year??? why all can't wait to marry in this year?!?!?!!?!?
Please!!! anyone, please marry me!! I want to BOMB ppl too!!!!!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
在爱情中的我是非常没有安全感,尤其当我们之间有障碍的时候,当我们无法解决某些事情的时候。我的爱,是非常需要别人肯定的。因为我无法肯定自己。我在乎他对我的爱是否与我一样。当我感觉到一丝丝的不对劲,我便立即慌乱,想抓着任何东西,肯定自己。所以,我也被看成情绪化,坏脾气。这全因为我的“不安全” 。
虽然,我依旧胖胖的,但是我的高度令我看起来并没有那么丑。我该感谢我爸妈把我生的那么高大,至少没有什么人说我胖了。只有“高大” 两个字。而且,人长大了,会打扮了,了解什么适合自己。。当然变好看了。我没有那么自卑了,但是,我非常没有安全感。我总是千方百计的想得到别人的肯定。
在爱情中的我是非常没有安全感,尤其当我们之间有障碍的时候,当我们无法解决某些事情的时候。我的爱,是非常需要别人肯定的。因为我无法肯定自己。我在乎他对我的爱是否与我一样。当我感觉到一丝丝的不对劲,我便立即慌乱,想抓着任何东西,肯定自己。所以,我也被看成情绪化,坏脾气。这全因为我的“不安全” 。
虽然,我依旧胖胖的,但是我的高度令我看起来并没有那么丑。我该感谢我爸妈把我生的那么高大,至少没有什么人说我胖了。只有“高大” 两个字。而且,人长大了,会打扮了,了解什么适合自己。。当然变好看了。我没有那么自卑了,但是,我非常没有安全感。我总是千方百计的想得到别人的肯定。
Monday, November 06, 2006
I'm Froggy......

My name is Froggy...... hug me!!!
I have a pair of greeny eyes.. ya, I have a pair of GREEN EYES...
I have a jovial smile like my lady master... very attractive and pretty... :P
I'm very lady.. I always dress in PINK....
But, I'm a very poisoned frog, look at my colour... "DO NOT MAKE ME MAD! I WILL BITE YOU!!". Do not make my lady master mad [her madness = my madness], because I'm her guardian of angel.. I will bite anyone that made her unhappy...
Remember it, or you will regret!!
Lovely Froggy....
Pink, one of my fav colour.
This Froggy very power eh... She can do ARM BALANCING YOGA POSE... very good on it somemore... She is poison froggy... "DO NOT MAKE ME MAD! I WILL BITE!!"
She will guard me from today [05.11.2006] onwards... not to let me feel hurt or sad. Or else... she will bite you!!!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
My little cute lovely cactus.......

I have this little cute lovely cactus in my office... it was bought from Ikea together with other 5 of them. I love this one the most as it is so beautiful. I gave the others to my mom and only brought this back to office. Not that I don't like the others, but I love this the most.
As usual, I will only water it once a week... When I wanted to water it on this Monday, I saw something so cute... My cactus growing up!!! Can you see it's new leaf??? So lovely... so fresh... like a new born baby... :)
So cute........
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Life is easy..... NOT!!
First, let's talk about the WEDDING 3 @ Restaurant Kam Lun Tai, Seri Petaling.
I didn't attend the dinner. Why?? Because I lost my way.... end up I went for coffee with my best friend and her hubby @ Coffee Bean, Mont Kiara with hungry stomach and frustrated mood. But it's still OK as I always laugh alots when meet with this couple.
When we are enjoying our coffee, cheese cake, chat... there come an indian lady with a small little girl who age around 7.. They are actually asking for DONATION. My best friend and myself choosed to ignored her as we been cheated, but her hubby was very kind and gave her RM5. They keep asking around the area till the staff came out and asked them go. But, they ignore the staff and keep asking around for DONATION.
So, we continue our happy happy chat... Suddenly, I saw the little indian girl holding a small box of cake from COFFEE BEAN!!!!! She get a seat, opened it up & eat!!!! Gosh!!!! DONATION gone for Coffee Bean's cake!! RM10 per one cake, ok?!??!??!?! Damn it. Immediately I told my friend's hubby that he DONATED a cake for her. Then, we thought, may be the little girl "merajuk" her mom to buy her a cake. Suprisingly!!! The MOM bought another cake!!!! Walaueh!!! What a world!!!
Really thought we all blind or what??? This is abit too much, right?? If really want to eat cake, go to Starbucks that just a bit further down lah!!!! Don't lah show it to us that you are actually con our money!!! Sux!!
That's why lah, we all are getting more and more unwilling to help those who ask for DONATION... SEE!! This is the reason!
Life...... sux!!! My working life...... MORE SUX!!!!!! I still have to fuck off even I have proven that myself have did nothing so wrong till affecting the whole company operation. For my MD, I'm such a stupid and irritating staff. I never able to make him happy but worry and headache. Am I that worse???
Finally, here is the chance for us to get rid of each other. Yes, I'm leaving this company in 2 weeks time. Not because that I did something very wrong, not that I'm a job hopper, not because that I wanted to...... What can I do when my boss wanted me to take all the blames and be responsible on it, even I proved that it's not all my fault??
So, I'm looking for a new job desperately now. I will be jobless 2 weeks from now which I can't afford to.
Sometimes, I just wondering.... why we need to live so hard?? why we need to go through all these rubbish?? why can't I just have a steady job till I retire?? why??????? I just hate myself!!! I really do!!!!!!!
I didn't attend the dinner. Why?? Because I lost my way.... end up I went for coffee with my best friend and her hubby @ Coffee Bean, Mont Kiara with hungry stomach and frustrated mood. But it's still OK as I always laugh alots when meet with this couple.
When we are enjoying our coffee, cheese cake, chat... there come an indian lady with a small little girl who age around 7.. They are actually asking for DONATION. My best friend and myself choosed to ignored her as we been cheated, but her hubby was very kind and gave her RM5. They keep asking around the area till the staff came out and asked them go. But, they ignore the staff and keep asking around for DONATION.
So, we continue our happy happy chat... Suddenly, I saw the little indian girl holding a small box of cake from COFFEE BEAN!!!!! She get a seat, opened it up & eat!!!! Gosh!!!! DONATION gone for Coffee Bean's cake!! RM10 per one cake, ok?!??!??!?! Damn it. Immediately I told my friend's hubby that he DONATED a cake for her. Then, we thought, may be the little girl "merajuk" her mom to buy her a cake. Suprisingly!!! The MOM bought another cake!!!! Walaueh!!! What a world!!!
Really thought we all blind or what??? This is abit too much, right?? If really want to eat cake, go to Starbucks that just a bit further down lah!!!! Don't lah show it to us that you are actually con our money!!! Sux!!
That's why lah, we all are getting more and more unwilling to help those who ask for DONATION... SEE!! This is the reason!
Life...... sux!!! My working life...... MORE SUX!!!!!! I still have to fuck off even I have proven that myself have did nothing so wrong till affecting the whole company operation. For my MD, I'm such a stupid and irritating staff. I never able to make him happy but worry and headache. Am I that worse???
Finally, here is the chance for us to get rid of each other. Yes, I'm leaving this company in 2 weeks time. Not because that I did something very wrong, not that I'm a job hopper, not because that I wanted to...... What can I do when my boss wanted me to take all the blames and be responsible on it, even I proved that it's not all my fault??
So, I'm looking for a new job desperately now. I will be jobless 2 weeks from now which I can't afford to.
Sometimes, I just wondering.... why we need to live so hard?? why we need to go through all these rubbish?? why can't I just have a steady job till I retire?? why??????? I just hate myself!!! I really do!!!!!!!
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