Shanice's Wedding Dinner @ Concord Hotel, 25.11.2006
Another busy wedding dinner as I need to help at the reception again. This time is a very messy and terrible one. Jeannie [best friend] and myself are so in mess as the person in charge is soooo.... MESS in his own plan. Not that I want to say bad about the name listing plan, but it's really not organised well.
Due to the respect to Shanice and due to the importancy of us, Jeannie [best friend] and myself went to do our hair and make up. My SOMEONE is so sweet and send me for all this faking process...[hair doing and make up]. SOMEONE even brought me my fav EXTREME MOCHA when I'm doing my make up at the BENEFIT counter [BENEFIT is a brand new comestic that from San Francisco, very wonderful and easy-to-use comestic; I LOVE IT]. Please refer to the above photos attached. I like this make up than the previous one as this is more natural and make me looks like.... ANGEL.. a sexy one. LOLZ!!!!!!
We only able to close the reception around 830pm as some of the guests are late... however, by the time we leave the reception, there are still "not yet arrive" guests. Malaysian... very well known by this usual habits. Overall, the food is not bad.. The bride is beautiful of course.
Due to the gathering, wedding dinners and my laming period... My battle [slimming plan] has no progress... No result. Still the same. Sigh.... sad case. I wanna lose 5kg more!!!! Damn it!!! should not eat liaooooooooooooo
More and more wedding dinners to come on December!!!!
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