I owned a car......

Then, I may need to go to washroom to settle some daily business.....

Was reading this zodiac prediction for year 2008, it's quite accurate on my personality... All bad thingss.. kakakakaka...
Magical, shrewd, intuitive, artistic and very lucky. Alternately, can be stubborn, irritable and impulsive. Can also be rather worldly and hard to get close to. Full of vitality, self assured, bright and master of success. Somewhat proud and quick-tempered, the XXX personality is always attractive.
The mighty and magnificent XXX of mythical folklore never ceases to enchant or stir the imagination. The XXX person is magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. To him life is a blaze of colors and he is constantly on the go. Egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical or terribly demanding and unreasonable, he is still never without a band of admirers. Proud, aristocratic and very direct, the XXX-born establishes his ideals early in life and demands the same high standards and perfection from others that he has for himself.
The powerful XXX is difficult to contest, at times even impossible. He tends to intimidate those who dare challenge him. An angry, spurned XXX could be like the big bad wolf at your door. He'll huff and he'll puff until he blows your house down.
In spite of his volcano of emotions, the XXX cannot be said to be sentimental, sensitive or very romantic. He takes love and adulation for granted: they are his just due. But while he maybe stubborn, irrational and overbearing when irked, the XXX can forgive you the moment he gets over his outbursts. And since things are supposed to work both ways, he expects your forgiveness for his errors, too.
Likes: Festivals, Control, Wealth, Comfort, Concerts, Antique and Decadence.
Dislikes: Boredom, Cold, Dullness, Hunger, Hypocrisy and Quietness.
Compatible Animals: Rat, Monkey, Rooster
Incompatible Animals: Dog, Rabbit, Ox, Dragon
Awww... I'm so terrible ehhh.... Sad Caseeee...