Thursday, February 23, 2006

Happy Anniversary... to my blog!!!!

:) Time flies.... It has been a year since I started this blog site. Never expect that I will keep this for such a long time. I started to blog because of fun, and boredom of my life. Nothing much to do that time, and online always. So, blogging is the best way for me to kill my time.

This blog site recorded my life... my boring and lonely life. But now, it represent the happy life I'm having. I can see the total change of my emotional in this year. Especially, after I met my honey. Love really can change a person.... doubt. Maybe I'm more relax because I have not much free time for my mind to think on nonsense. My workloads is killing me... hardly. The relationship I'm having is killing me softly.... hahahahaha...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I might have no readers... But, expressing myself here made me feel more released and good.


Chan Kok Kuen said...

Congratulations for the 1st aniversary of your blog!

Well why did you said that you have no readers. I read your blog everytime I log into the net. I have read almost all your postings.

What can I say... sometime you are down sometime you are up. I do not write about my feeling in my blog. However, if there are sometihing that have happened to me and worth keeping that memory, I will log into my blog.

Well I will continue to read your blog so as long as your keep on writing!

Miss Blurry said...

thanks, Kok Kuen. I appreciated it very much
Ya, I write most of my mood than other things. Because, I'm a lady. Hahaha... Thanks alots.