Finally, our party held on 2nd Nov 2005. This is a mini one, only 8 of us. We made sandwiches [2 different types], , fried nuggets [2 different types], fried sausages [2 different types], fruits salad, drinks and we also bought KFC [2 buckets- total 18 pcs]. Abit too many food for only 8 of us with 2 guys included. We unable to finished all the food. CH and James bring all the food home for their supper. :P
The guys sitting at the sofa, and the girls preparing the food. Sound familiar eh. But, CH did trying to help, he made the drinks and he helped me to cut the fruits. James helped on preparing sandwiches, but the sandwiches he made is too dull to eat... hahahhahaha... coz he didn't put enough butter on the bread and it's too dry to bite. We all do not want to eat the Ham sandwich he made, CH ate the most because he doesn't like to eat tuna.
It was fun, real fun. We chatted alots, took many photos. We surrounding the table while eating and we chatted and laughted alots. CH was sitting beside me while we having our dinner, he can't stop kacau me. He is very playful and fun. We were laughing too much and unable to take more food, too much air in our stomach. CH still eating while we all stop eating and James trying his best to take more food. Hahahahahaa...pity them.
We play games after dinner. The name of the game is.. HEART ATTACK. Hahahahaa... Due to my slow response.... I'm always da loser, as I not really sure how the game goes actually. The winner is allowed to ask the loser 1 question. Since I'm always the loser, I have to answer many questions. Hahahahahhaa... CH asked me what type of guys I like, Ms. N asked me about my bra size, more & more & more..... When I told them my bra zise, non of them believe!!!! What eh????? That's the real size mah!!!! They said "IMPOSSIBLE!" discussing that I should be C or D instead of B!!!! I wish so... hahahahhaahha......
Everyone also injurded abit on their hand while playing this game. It's like the card game named "SNAP" but different way of playing it. Kinda fun, but I'm too slow to respond always. :P Got once, CH lose and I'm da winner. Then I asked him back on the same question he asked me ---> What type of girl you like. He hesitate to answer eh!!!! But we all forced him to answer. Kakakakkaaka.... Ms. N asked James whether he is still a virgin or not. LOLZ!!!! James was so shy to answer and complaining that we shouldn't ask this type of question.
After this, we suggest to play some games that is more gentle, and not so violence as this. So, we played 007 and Hero. They are kiddy's games actually, but we had so much fun from the games. CH sitting beside me again, we still playing non stop. After the games, we all start feeling tired after a day of hard work and too much laughter. I feel sleepy too.
Ms. OY, CH and me sitting on the sofa and chatted abit, then some of them suggested to go into Ms. C's room and enjoy the air-con. So, we went to da room in a bunch. And the ghost stories session started. I was sitting near the empty space which facing to the door. Kinda scary as I'm alone there. I start feeling eerie.... I started to think on something else, I started to worry on whether is there anything near the empty space or not.... CH looked at me with his
"VERY SLEEPY" looks.... He is more sleepy than I was. Finally, James called the session off as we are all tired.
We left the place by 1030pm. I'm home around 11pm+. It was a great mini party.
Tired, but fun.
Looking forwards to the BBQ Gathering. I bet that will be fun too. :)