Yesterday, my car broke down when I wanted to go home from office. I’m so clever and thought that the batteries of my remote is weak. And I thought it’s just a simple thing. Then only found out that the car battery is weak. Been waiting for more than an hour for rescue. I bought a VCD from the stall below my office and watch it while waiting for someone to rescue me.
The mechanical went to the wrong places… he went to 2 places and yet not my office. Hahahhaha… finally he able to found and rescued me. He is a friendly mechanical, an Indian but good looking.
I brought him to my little car, there he start to check and change the battery. Within 5 minutes, there come 2 security guards, asked me what’s happened. I told them that my car is broken down and need to change battery only, maybe. They asked me whether need to send to workshop or not. I told them that I have no idea and have to check on it first. Then they make a report back to their management office. Awww… such a responsible management service of my office lot. Impressive!!!
The security guards walked away and there come another guard to guard me when the mechanical doing his work. I think they do this for security purpose as I’m all alone by myself with the mechanical. What if the Mechanical drag me into the car and kidnap me to somewhere then rape me and murder me like CANNIE ONG???
When I’m standing beside my car and wondering why the guard comes and staying here. Suddenly I thought of this, and suddenly I feel so scared and hate so much on my careless attitude on my self’s safety. Luckily the security guards here are so caution on our safety.
Then, everything is OK after the battery changed. It costs me RM180. HEARTACHE!!! I really have to tied up my stomach and not to eat lunch.
But, I’m very impressed on the security management.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
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