Monday, December 29, 2008
I'm least
I did not sleep well last night. I'm disappointed and hurt.
At least, I'm healthy....
Monday, December 15, 2008
3D Games...
I'm not a game person but SOMEONE is.... I was very bored last night and was sitting there watching SOMEONE playing his new PS3 game - 'Fallout'. I thought it is kinda exciting as there's always got some 'insane survivor' come and attack you, or some weird creatures comes.
By sitting there for 5 to 10 minutes on and off for the whole night from 9pm to 11pm, I start to feel abit uneasy... abit dizzy, headache and feeling very sick. Then I walked away as I really feel terrible by looking at the big screen...
I thought I will be better after I lie on bed... but I'm not, in fact, I vomitted 3 times in a roll and feel more sick then.
In case you suspect, I'm not pregnant although I wish... hahahaha...
I think I will try not to watch it anymore... Forgive me, but I start to hate 3D game now... :P
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I miss....
Mom and sis are going to Taipei by the end of the year.. but I'm not going... sigh.. I wanna go Taiwan!!!!! It's just not enough time for me to save enough money for Taiwan [Dec'08], Gold Coast [Mar'09] and Shanghai [Jun'09] in such a short period. Therefore, I have to sacrify my Taiwan trip... sighhh... But I'm lucky that my colleague is interested to go Taiwan, but of course it will not be so soon... So, we will have a girls trip! We will only eye on... SHOPPING, EAT, BOOKSTORE, BLYTHE DOLLS!!!!! Kakakaka.....
I'm still buzy on sewing and reading... SOMEONE is complaining that I neglected him since I have Tammy... OK, I admitted that I did neglected him a little bit... :P At least I'm not busy on some other guys... :P
Argh... I really miss shopping like nobody business!!!! I wanna go bangkok!!! I wanna go Hong Kong!!! I wanna go Taiwan!!!! My hands are itchy..... >__<
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Heart of Montmartre....
Beside 'My Best Friend', I also eyed on Heart of Montmartre which is a limited edition Blythe doll.... sighh... I'm crazy!!!! Her price is higher than 'My Best Friend' ahhhh.... >__<
Found a very funny commercial of Heart of Montmartre...

Arghhh.... I really go crazy liaooo......
She is here!!!!
Here she is.... Rachel!!
Her make up is so sweet!!
Look at the details of her dress... lovely...
She is a sweet girl... beautiful as Tammy.. :)
Good friends have coffee together... kakakkaa.... Tammy is wearing a dress that I've just completed. The cherry is sew on by beads... I love the cherry the most... and also the bottom part of the dress... cute.
Yeah...Yeah... Tammy got companion now!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Update - Oct'08
Tammy new photos... :P Thought wanna post some photos of Tammy with the dress or blouses I made her... But I'm too lazy to take any photos or edit them... Soon soon... will try to post abit then :P. My new blythe - Veronica Lace is on her way now... wow...excited!!! Tammy can't wait to meet her new friend too. Emmm... I have to give her a name... eemm...
Tammy on my coke collection.. :P. I'm kinda sad actually... because I accidently left an ink mark on Tammy's wrist... sigh!!!! I tried many ways to clean it.... but it can't be removed!!! Arghhhh!!!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Blythe doll - Veronica Lace

Don't you think that Tammy is beautiful????
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just Married....

OK, it's been almost 2 weeks since my wedding day on 14th Sept'08, which is my birthday too. It was a merry and lovely day..
It's always good to have someone you care, you love to share everything.. to walk through everything with you... Thanks for my honey for loving me so much... *muaks*
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Tammy wanna go bangkok and meet her friendsssss!!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Was superb angry......
After the no manners girl cut off my call rudely.. immediately I call SOMEONE and told him that I want to go to the Bridal Shop immediately right after work. SOMEONE asked what's happened and I told him everything included that the Bridal Shop said can't give us the album at least one week before our wedding. Then SOMEONE asked.. "what's the problem if we get the album one day before wedding? Still before wedding mah..." &($@%&!)@#&^#)@ Immediately the FIRE burn me off!
Now I'm telling you all guys why it is so big deal to get the wedding album just one day before the wedding.
1. What if the printing of album are sucks??? You may want them to re-do the album. So, it take times and one day is impossible to complete it.
2. What if the "JI MUI" photos developed are wrong?? Not the one we choosed?? Yes, it's a big deal if they developed a ugly photo of yours are you are going to distribute them to your friends.
3. What if they got any accident that can't get the album ready on the ONE DAY BEFORE YOUR WEDDING?
4. The pressure of everyone asking for photos can kill.
5. The pressure of everyone asking why is it so slow and this and that is irritating.
Someone FEEL the heat from my anger. He called the Bridal Shop and requested to meet with the designer as they always push the responsibilities to her. So, SOMEONE made them to promise to deliver the album before 7th Sept'08.
So, I stepped out of the Bridal Shop happily. Of course, this is all because of SOMEONE who able to make them promise to delivery of album one week before our wedding. I should thanks SOMEONE for this.
I think SOMEONE is kinda stress recently as well. Both of us are bad temper, no patience and etc. Spend lots of monies on house renovation, furnitures shopping, household items shopping, wedding and etc... I'm totally PK!
Any part time job ???? I need some I think....
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Friends are those who keep their promises.
Friends are those who still can chat happily with you even didnt keep in touch for long time.
Time will reveal the true friends....
Friday, August 08, 2008
Believe in you......
Not that I do not care about my money, hey! I'm not a "rich wife" ok? I still can remember my first yoga experience from YZ. Due to yoga I'm able to change myself from a hot temper lady to slighty better one. First time fancy a man so crazily... the yoga instructor frm YZ. There are so many memories. Good or bad.
SOMEONE & I joined YZ since very early stage when they just established... YZ is like our dating venue almost everyday. We laughed together when posing, gossip about our classes/ teachers & etc when having dinner... Not only that we getting more flexible on our body twisting, more open on our mind, but our love developed deeper because of yoga. How not to feel down when I saw the news?
Most of the people pointed that the ex-management cheated on the staffs/ teachers/ members. I don't know whether this is the truth... But I choose to believe that the ex-management surely has some difficulties which are not easy to be solve. I choosed to trust Mr.Yoga and the ex-management. Call me stupid if you have a different point of view... Just don't argue with me on what I choosed to believe. I believe that Mr.Yoga will not use yoga as a tool to cheat on those who love yoga too.
I choosed to believe in what I believed in.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This is a photo taken by my own camera when we are waiting for the phototgrapher to get ready. I love the make up and hair do... I looks so lovely and sweet... kakakaka... like I said, I never been so beautiful before. It's really amazing what comestic can do on a lady.
Stress on work and wedding preparation... and.. I'm still FAT!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
There are lots to prepare... and I'm doing the clerk's work now... spend days to do data entry... wasting my time, I don't even have time for reports preparing... Aiyaa... hate it!! But still I have to rush these on time as this is my job... Life is sucks sometimes...
Damn stress ah!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Update - some edited photos...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Also busy with personal things... many things to prepare...
Stress... Breathless... on work, personal life and etc.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Life is difficult....
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm lost......
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I'm busy...
I got tons of photos taken, will try to upload them soon.
Be patience lah... :P
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Election is over... new era is here. Hope that who we vote for will make this country a better one.
All the best, Malaysian!!!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
How much I worth per hour... On BED...
Powered By TheirToys
Give it a try and see how much you worth on bed.... :)
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Who to vote???
Since I don't know who to vote... and I'm not in the passion on who will win as it's all the same for me..... I took this test and it give me the decision I have in my heart....
Here it is.....

Who Should You Vote For This Election?
Now... I have another problem... This party is not in the list of my area.... Sh*t!

We will only heard/ see these people once every 5 years… they will walk around the market, stall to stall, house to house … asking us to vote for them. Where are these people when election is not around? When we go asking for help, cases have been dragging for years, . Maybe we should be the one who blame as we do not know the right time to ask for help.
For example, my case… My family paid deposit of RM10,000.00++ for a property purchase far back to 15 years ago? Or longer than that. The developer didn’t start any work and the land keep abandon for 15 years. No development and no news. Most of the purchaser requested for refund as the project is delayed for too long time. Then, 3 years ago, we found that the same developer actually having another NEW LAUNCHING property for sales and the location the same land for the property we purchased! So, cheat, we all see it. What we got by confronting the developer? “YES! I’ve cheated your money. I don’t have money to pay you all back, you all take my life lah..” WAH!!! What’s this??? Cheat our money and still can be so rude??? He’s not only cheated us, but using the same trick to cheat more people’s money by RESELLING the same property on the same land!!!!! I’m angry!!
There, we went for this PEOPLE in our area for help… DING DONG DING DONG… DONG DING DONG DING… nothing come out… nothing happened… say this say that…. Not helping at all!! With Sales & Purchase Agreement on hand also can’t protect our right!!!!
The end of the story is……….our hard earned money still with the cheap old cunning developer!!!!!! And why is the PEOPLE we vote to represent us is not helping us at all?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Follow up......
I'm bored......

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day - 2008

In case I will be too busy on these few days or the following week, I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day earlier ya..... and wish myself a HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY tooooo
GONG XI FA CAI..... 2008

For me, I only wish that everything will go smoothly, be healthy, no more drama, happy life and lots of monies comes to me.... kakakakkaka....
All the bad things go away!!!!!! All the unhappiness go away!!!!
All the good luck comes to me!!!!! All the monies come to me tooooo!!! Forget all unhappiness!!! Look forward!!
I know this is abit late... but better than nothing lah...
Happy Chinese New Year....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I don't expect you to like me......
In deep shit...
Monday, February 11, 2008
I'm trying......
It's difficult.... but I will try......
I can't guarantee... because it's hurt, not only to me but to my family too...
I don't care how YOU treat me, but not to my family.
I feel shame because it equal to REJECT.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Time flies with high speed!!!!!! Suddenly I feel so worry and scared when I look at the calendar standing on my working desk.... It's 21st!!!!! Arghhhhh... and I'm still fat!!!!!
Chinese new year is just around the corner and 18th February is so near!!!!! and... I'm still fat!!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Women are......

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
New word....
POWER!!!! Do not understand what is technosexual??? The defination I found is...... A person, male or female, who is so deeply enthralled with technology they discuss it with a level of passion that most people reserve for sex. Not always a geek or a nerd, but generally someone who has the latest and greatest everything.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I wonder....really wonder... does the wife forgive him 100% or only 10%? No choice, to keep his high post... I think they have to work on this drama carefully. Either forgive or not also just tell the public that she already forgive him lah! Else how??? Tell the public that "I gambled my family for the sex out of marriage." ??? Man.... no matter rich or not... handsome or not... all love to go for something that shouldn't go for..
New Year, New Chapter of Life......
Here started another new year... I shall continue with my undone New Year Resolution of 2007... SLIM DOWN...
Depressed... I'm still fat!!!!
Showing the cutey baby... my second god daughter after Renee, Ah Moi!

aawww... so cute!
and my work is no longer happy as last year... the company has blocked FACEBOOK!!!!! I want to cry!!!!!! What is this?? who the hell want to block facebook???? Why is it so????? Is it my fault?? or most of the people also playing facebook here???? Arghhhhhhhhhhh.... KILL ME PLEASE!! HOW AM I GOING TO KILL MY FREE WORKING HOURS NOW??????