Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wedding Dinner #1
Overall, the food is OK. As normal chinese wedding dinner, 8 dishes... sharksfin, fish, prawns, chicken, vege, fried rice and desserts. My ex colleague [the bride] is very very beautiful today. It's very good to gather with few of my ex-colleagues.. we chatted happily even though the bride is too bz to entertain us.
I noticed one thing... Klang people love to sing KARAOKE very very very very very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........
For most of the wedding dinner or birthday dinner I have attended at Klang... KARAOKE is the most necessary thing to have in the event!!!!! They really love it so much and do go on stage actively!!! Non-stop KARAOKE entertainment from all the uncles/ aunties.... A little bit of torture sometimes... :P
Tonight, all the chinese oldies back to my mind.... those songs that my dad/ mom loves.... back to the live!!! Uncles/ Aunties are so excited and there even dance on stage while singing... WOW!!! I don't even have the guts to stand on stage and sing eh... Hahahaha...
PS: Congratulation!! Joey!!!!!
Friday, September 29, 2006
The most NASTY person I ever see......
No, he is not my BRO IN LAW [BIL]. This is my best friend’s BIL, such a terrible irritating nasty bastard. My best friend is getting married on coming October. And this BIL claimed that she did not INFORM him officially on their wedding date and so he is not going to attend the wedding. BIL told her dad that he doesn’t like her n her husband to be, so he is not going to attend. The whole family put the blame on my friend and want her to BEG him to attend. But still, he wanted the whole family to BEG him instead of her alone. F OFF lah!! Who you think you are? I did help my friends to get rid of BIL on the business matter. He though his MONIES are very powerful enough to control other people’s life!!! My friend even have to get his permission when want to go for holiday!! THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!! I wonder, does he need my friend to sent him a details report on how they make love? CRAZY!!!!! I think he really got some mentally problem, control freak on not only his own wife, his family but other people too, green eyes monster!!!
Ya, he can’t stand when he saw someone happy happy laughing and celebrating their happiness. Sure he will say something nasty and terrible to spoil your mood and the party. One more thing that I can’t stand is, when he is around, no one dare to speak loud because he doesn’t like noisy places! And, when he is there to have dinner, all the dishes must be cooked followed his taste!!! F OFF!
What’s his problem eh??? Why must they INFORM him when they decided to marry? When they decided on the date? Not that he going to pay for their wedding? Not that my friend’s parents not around and he need to help on this? In fact, he doesn’t give a single helping hand on this matter. What the fuck he wants people to inform him? An invitation is more than enough. BIL, DO YOU NEED A FORMAL LETTER TO INFORM YOU ON THE WEDDING DATE? Damn it!!!
My lovely best friend, being so upset and down… crying over the phone and told me these. I feel so angry on such a terrible bast**d. Too much!!! No worry, my dear…we all support you! You did nothing wrong on this!! We all understand your situation!! I’m 100% support on what you want to do!!!! [Her hubby always complained that I spoiled her wife terribly] :P
I told my mom, if whoever dare to interfere on my wedding, I will surely give no face!!! No matter who!!
Beside my parents and my sister, no one have the rights to INTERFERE on my wedding issue! Of course, the in law’s opinion has to take into consideration. But, HE is not either party!!! Terrible!!!
Arghhh… my blood is boiling!!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
So, I will go on another one.... very expensive and heard that's very god damn effective!!!
Ha... if it's really that effective and I able to reach my ideal weight...then I have to buy many new clothes worrr... then more money go out loh???? Aiyo... like this ah... then I will be more & more poor worrr.... emmmm....
Aiya... don't think so much first... Will only get the socalled god damn effective thing by next week.. and I can't wait!!!
I can't wait to see myself got such good body... :P Hahahahhahahahah...
*praying to god : I want good body!!!! slim body!!!! sexy body!!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Oh my gawdd......
I was on leave yesterday due to the need to attend to court on my house issue. However, I saw this cover lying on the table and the used thing was wrapped with tissue paper, lying in the dusbin.
I have no idea on who used this thing in the office except XX as I found it in XX's room. I'm so shocked... Maybe XX brought his wife back to office and had their SEX IN THE OFFICE in order to bring more sparks into their normal sex life. This is the only thing I can tell myself instead of think on another possibility.
I do not want to prove on what I think is what happened actually. It is too ugly for me to know. I do not want to know anything so ugly like this.
So, the condom I found in XX's room is used by XX on his wife... They had SEX IN THE OFFICE because they feel too bored on having sex in their own room always.
Yes! This is the truth!!! YES!!! IT IS!!!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
So lucky......

OOooOoOO.... I'm so lucky this year... Beside got a bunch of good friends that celebrate my birthday [with my fav Choc Mint Cake] for me, beside got many friends sms me and wished me happy birthday... beside that I have SOMEONE SPECIAL celebrate my birthday with me at THE SHIP... I also got few valuable gifts....
I'm so lucky..... to have so many good friends around me...
Let's see......
1. Lovely card with Lovely words inside
2. Pearl Butterfly Vibrator [aka Snow Angel]
3. Digital Camera [Sony T30-Silver]
4. LV Purse
5. Orgasmic Chocolate Mint Cake
6. Handbag
Gosh.... amazing. Never get so many gift before... Thanks for all my friends!!!! I had a very very happy and wonderful birthday this year!!!
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
** But still I want my LIVE CRYSTAL STONE!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Birthday Night......
The Ship, the only restaurant my dad brought us there to celebrate our birthday. No matter whoever’s birthday, this is the only restaurant we headed to. Kakakakak…. Tons of memories there.
There has not much customers in THE SHIP when we arrived but still good business we can say. After we seated, I noticed that THE SHIP is getting old as me too… and immediately the memories flashing in my mind like fast forwarding movie. I still remember how excited my sister and myself were whenever my dad bringing us to have dinner at THE SHIP. We all love the SHARKSFIN MUSHROOM SOUP.
After so many years that I did not step into THE SHIP, their food still as good as what it used to be. Only the price slightly increased but it’s reasonable if you have taken into account on inflation and such a good deal for such wonderful food.
Thanks for SOMEONE SPECIAL for arranging this dinner for me. I enjoyed my night, my food and your companion!!
With so many friends around me, I can say that I’m a happy person.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Happy Birthday to me......
Too many suprises today... Mr. J called me from Medan, Indonesia. Never expect his call or shall I say that I never expect that he remember my birthday. So sweet of him.
Then, Mr. Alvin and Mr. Danny both also wished me even though I did not contact them for kinda long time. Mr. Alvin even waited for me on MSN MESSENGER to wish me Happy Birthday last night. Mr. Danny send me an sms only.
Then my childhood friend also wish me through sms. And also my college friends... All those I never expected that they will remember my birthday wished me. I feel so touched... so happy... :) Ha! even my ex-colleague wished me too and my lady boss. Very happy eh.... Ya, I should be happy on my birthday.
The chocolate mint cake still lying in the fridge at home. Will slowly finish it .... kakakakaa... very yummy one...
I'm really glad that most of my friends remember my birthday... only a wish is good enough to prove that they still remember me. Aww.... I feel so HANG FOOK... coz I actually knew a bunch of good friend.
Thanks everyone!!!!! All your warm wishes fulfilled my heart with love....
Faster wish me lah.......
My best friend arranged me a small party with the very orgasm CHOCOLATE MINT CAKE... yumm yummm... :)
In the mean time, I also received 2 BOMBS ---> WEDDING DINNER INVITATION.. Pity me... PK till the year end.
Anyway.... Wish me go slimmer, happier, prettier, richer, smarter..... :P
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Result 1 ......
08 - 11.09.2006 --> 1KG gone.
Kakakakakakakakakakakakakak......... Sound good.
Let's combat again.... Wish more to lose!!!
Let me lose more than what I wish.... But not until left my bone lah.. Anyway, I still looks BIG when I only left my bone & skin. Sigh... damn sad lah...
Anyway, it's a very good courage on 3 days for a KG... :P
Monday, September 11, 2006
华人美德不可失传,华校更不可不救。眼看多间华校面临关闭的事实,真的非常心痛。三万拨款变三千,实在是太过分了点。谁是谁非 ,只有当事人心照不宣。
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Oral me......

This is a T-Shirt that I bought from Bangkok. Nice huh??? Hahahahahhaa... This shirt only cost me RM9.90, which is 99 Baht. The material is good too, very comfortable but cooling... :) GOOD DEAL!! We saw another T-Shirt which is like this..." ENJOY MY COCK" LOLZ!!! But someone do not have the guts to wear that T-Shirt, so did not buy it. I also have another T-Shirt that I got it as a sovenir for one of my good friend but he is too bz to collect it from me, think that I can SAPU it and owned it. Kakakakkaak.... This T-Shirt said..." FIND IT, FUCK IT, FORGET IT" Aawwwww.... so cool!!!! :P
I still miss Bangkok very much... Hahahahha.... Don't know why, maybe it's because my only mission over there is SHOPPING, SHOPPING and SHOPPING... That's why I'm so attracted on HER... Crazy!!
Today is a boring day, my friend who suppose to have coffee with me AIRPLANE me... I did nothing much today... A little bit of cleaning [major cleaning is done yesterday], read a bit of the unfinished novel, napped fron 1:30pm till 5:30pm... :P, then wake up, bathed, watched TV, dinner, watch TV again, read novel again, and now blogging. Waiting for another friend's call on the coffee session.
Sigh... so bored....
Friday, September 08, 2006
I want......

I want my body to looks like this...... :P
Let's try how effective the something that I've bought last night... Hahahahaha.... Actually, I already feel happy if I'm able to lose 10KG.... abit greedy? No lah.. I'm fat mah... Slimmer the better, the sexier... the prettier... But of course that I know I won't looks so perfect lah.... Try my best lohh... LOLZ!!!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Do not......

Once I've hold you hand, I've decided to love you with everything that I can give.
Do not simply say "BREAK UP" to me no matter what, unless you 100% sure that you do not love me anymore.
Appreciate before it's too late.
I'm always emotional.. because I'm a person who follow my heart ---> 100%. I know this is not good, but this is the best that how I appreciate my life.
Love is not for you to KEEP deeply in your heart. Love is to show and let people feel it. That's why I'm a SOLDIER IN LOVE... I never give up in love even though I've been hurt badly for many times. I do feel disappointed on men too, but doesn't means I give up on my love.
Laugh when you feel so, cry when you wanted to. Control a little bit on your anger [I'm working on it as promised...:P ], and show people your sweetest smile.
Ha!!! sound easy eh... :P Can one lah, do it slowly... I'm sure we can make it. I found that my CONTROL on my anger got a little bit of IMPROVEMENT.. ya lah, a little bit only... Give me more time mah... I'm a dragon anyway... where got tamed dragon one... Hahahahahaha... Tamed dragon will not be a dragon loh... it's a lizard... :P
Love me with your heart.... I can feel it. :)
Birthday Gifts List......
Last year, my Birthday Gifts List was kinda long.... Camera lah, Diamond lah... bla bla bla......
What's in my list this year?? Beside that Sony Ericsson K800i lah...... Nothing much I want beside... MONIES... The more the merrier... Hahahahaha....
I think my wish will be more on MENTALLY side for this year... eg. More ppl love me, or love me more... my family more happier and everything goes well for them... Myself to be more happy and lovely... if can, be more rich too... Hahahhahaah.... or like what my friends always wish me to do... GET MARRIED... Too difficult to achieve lah, friends.
Ya, wish me all da best in my life... Anyway, not yet my birthday... 14th lah... wait for 14th Sept then only you wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY yaaaa.... :P
Let's work out on a list, on physical side....
1. Sony Ericsson K800i
2. Live Crystal Stone
3. Compaq Notebook- Piano White [Very nice ohh...]
Eh???!?!?!?! No more lohhh.... So little compare to last year's list eh....
Oh! Maybe a new watch, don't want rubber, don't want leather... I want metal...
I think I won't buy them beside the Live Crystal Stone... :) Still looking for it, still haven't get the one I like with reasonable price.... Anyone know any places that do see cheap and nice crystal?? Preferrable if they do sell LIVE CRYSTAL STONE too... :) I need it to CHARGE my cyrstalssss..
Ya, I love crystal.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Happy Birthday......
She is one year older lohhhh..... Big girl already :)
I wish her Happy Birthday and be rich soon!!! Hahahahaha....
Love you, my dear
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Yohhh..... Irresistible......

Aiyo!!!! IRRESISTABLE .. Sony Ericsson K800i!!!!! I want da BLACK one.............. Awwww.... SO SEDUCTIVE!!!!
Sony Ericsson K800i- A Cyber-shot™ digital camera and a small and sophisticated feature-packed 3G mobile phone all in one. Open the lens cover and you're ready to take the picture. Bring the K800i with you and you have a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus, built-in xenon flash and image and video stabilizer function ready for any moment, anytime. And a 3G phone for sharing your pictures. Instantly…
Please noted….. 3.2 MEGAPIXEL CAMERA, WITH AUTOFOCUS and BUILT IN XENON FLASH!!!!!! Got Red Eye Reduction… but eh… without 2.5 digital zoom worrrrr…… eemmm… but still my saliva is drooling…….
Radio kah, Bluetooth kah, 3G kah, video stabilizer, mp3, 3D games, speaker phone lah, …. Anything you want. It cost me… RM1950 [Most highest price after my research…]
Aiyo….. I must hold!!! I must control myself!!!! Too expensive for a birthday gift for myself… or from someone... Sigh..who will get me such expensive gift lah???? No one lah… pity me.
Shall wait…. Wait will the price drop like hell… But will it happened? Sighh… Don’t think so.
Friday, September 01, 2006
But I do feel very touched that my best friend is actually arranging something for my coming birthday so much ealier before the day come. She accidently told me something when we chit chat-ing on MSN. I was so suprise that she does remember the cake I like a lots. Yummm... Yummm... think about it also orgasm... No, it's not the marble cheesecake I love. This is the second cake I love most... :) Can die eh!!!! Kakakakakakaka.... I tasted the cake is because of her hubby's birthday and she got him this cake. And immediately I got the wonderful food's orgasm after a bite and I told her about this. I never expect that she will put it in her heart and plan to get this wonderful orgasm giving cake for my coming birthday. Aaawwwww....Damn lovely she is!!!
Seriously, I do feel very touched that she actually plan something for me... and even going to ask most of my good friends that she know to join for the suprise small birthday celebration to celebrate that I'm one year older again. I do feel god damn happy even though I told her that no need to make it so big deal. She is always a caring and lovely lady. And she is also being very understanding that not going to have the socalled party on the exact day of my birthday. She said, "I leave it for your SOMEONE to celebrate it with you.." :)
It's always good to have some best friends around us. :) They always warm your heart when you feel cold by standing alone in this realistic world.
Thank you for everything you have done or doing or going to do for me..... Thankssss