Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Enjoy your trip..... Mr. Uncle
Went dinner with Mr. Uncle. He said want to have a good dinner at the night before he leave for the TORTURING TRIP. His treat of course! :P Emmm.. had a yummy dinner at Chilis. We had 3some... opssss!!! No lah, it is TRIPLE PLAY. Hahahahaha.. what a name eh. He ordered pasta. Ok lah, not bad... afterall Chilis food never been terrible...right?
My right eye twitching since after lunch time. Old folks said "Eye twitching for right is good, left is bad." Emmmm... I'm wondering what is the good thing that going to happened on me? I'm so bad luck, what will happend to me? Let's see ya.... Kakakakakaka...
Today, I work till headache... Checking on all those reports making my eyes blur and mind tired. Nothing much happened today. Work, Lunch, Work, Dinner, Home, Bath, Online, Sleep. Boring life eh.... Nevermind lah, boring but still happy life. :)
Enjoy your life, cherish your moments!!! :) Life is beautiful... as always!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I told Ms. N that I can't wait till the day come. I miss the excitement of BBQ although the cleaning process after BBQ might be abit tough. But, we got so many pretty girls, sure can settle with no sweat! :)
Looking forward.... for our first BBQ Party... :) Yeahhh... Yeahhhh... Can BBQ soon... Kakakakka....
Monday, September 26, 2005
Miss Lonely Heart.......

I'm still the Miss Lonely Heart as I used to be. I'm still the happy person as I used to be. I'm still the best friend of my friends. Most important is, I'm still as pretty as I used to be always.... kakakakaka.... :)
No worry... I'm fine, I'm OK... I'm not down just because I found out someone do not love me as I do :) I'm getting good in self-healing. I'm a bad luck lady in love.
Nevermind loh.. I shall love myself if no one love me. I know my sister love me much. I know my mama sayang me lots. I know Kenneth will always lend me his shoulder when I wanted to cry! Kakakakaka...
I'm consider in good life if compare with those children in Africa. At least, I'm well feed till I'm so fat... I'm well pampared by my parents... I got new house that I'm going to move into... I got a small car to drive around... I got my family... I got friends... I got my career even it's not a very impressive one... :) I'm such a lucky person even though he doesn't love me.
Quak!!!! I'm so pretty eh... :P
Sunday, September 25, 2005
You won't understand....
Do you know how it feel when you found that you start missing someone?
Do you know how it feel when you found that you wanna spend every minutes with someone?
Do you know how it feel when you found that you getting care of someone?
Do you know how it feel when you start missing someone almost every seconds?
Do you know how it feel when you are falling in love with someone who don't really care of you?
Do you know how it feel when you wanted to see someone so much but you can't?
Do you know how it feel when you have to hide your feelings infront of someone you love?
Do you know how it feel when you can't even hold his hand even you wanted to do so?
Do you know how it feel when you try your best to protect this FRIENDSHIP while you hope that it will change to a relationship dreadfully?
Do you know how it feel????
Do you know how I feel????
Do you understand????
Do you know how pain am I now????
You don't. Keith, you don't understand. You will never understand.
I'm such a silly. I'm such a stupid. I know I always be.
Do not being so care of me if you do not love me.
I'm already in love. I can't help. But I am.
Good also. I do not have to spare a space from my heart anymore. I no need to waste my credits on sms. I no need to go online so often and don't know what doing there. I can save lots of time, I do not need to miss you anymore.
My fault, I mistaken on everything.
I think......
我想。。。。。我已爱上他了。 昨夜,我满脑子都是他。 我不是只是在昨夜非常的想念他。 我时常都非常的挂念他的一切。 他并不英俊, 他并不特别, 但是, 与他在一起的感觉却是万分的舒服。
我甚至梦见了他。我梦见他到我家, 我们看电视剧, 他抱着我,我心中非常高兴,好温暖, 好温馨。 我好想这一切都是真的。我真的好想。已经好久没有如此挂念一个人。 已经好久没有如此感觉。 好久没有感觉温暖, 挂念 ,疼惜, 不舍。。。
我不知道他对我对我有何感觉。我好想问,但是我又害怕他给于我的答案会令我伤心。我不知我该如何。我知道我该问个明白。 我好矛盾,我怕听到他的答案但是我又非常希望听到他告诉我他对我的感觉。
今天一早,他SMS我。别对我好如果你只是当我是一个普通朋友。 我承受不了打击。我好怕他会对我说他要的不是我。 就像 Mr.A 一样的伤害我。我怕我挺不住。
我不由自主的爱上了你 , 我控制不了我的感情。 我无时无刻的想你。 我不知你是否和我一样的无法控制。。你从未说你喜欢我。我却透露了我非常喜欢你。 我感觉好无助。 我不知该如何是好 。
奇, 我好想你。 我好想见你。
Friday, September 23, 2005
Distance is always the most cruel test for couples. It test on how strong your love is, it test on how good you can handle your loneliness, it test on how patient you are, it test on how loyal you are in this relationship, it test on every possible things that you can ever imagine. I used to have a distance bf from Australia. I cried on the phone when I miss him. I called to Australia just to listen to his voice. Luckily, we already have email that time. We are so in love when he is in Australia. Everything became so romantic due to the distance. I always post him some small gifts, cards and letters. He was so touched when he got all these from me. He did the same too. Wrote me love letters through email or post. Everything is so beautiful, even you have to wait for an unknown future. But everything changed when he is back from Australia. The feelings is no longer like what we had. We are more like stranger than lover. We became so distance even we are socalled couple. This is so upset and we decided to break off. Both of us hurt. Distance.. it can make everything to be beautiful. When we face to face, we couldn't find the beautiful feelings and feel disappointed. And everything end up looks so ugly.
Ever since then, I never be in any distance relationship till this 'short term bf of mine' decided to back to his hometown and help up his family in the business. To be frank, I'm not a strong person, I can't handle my loneliness well. I need companion always. His decision made me re-think on the relationship and I no longer feel the same even he did make his effort to visit me whenever he has time. My feelings towards him faded away as time goes by. I broke off with him. He rushed to my office the next morning after I told him my decision. Not that I do not feel touched, but I really can't take distance relationship as others. Distance, will bring your feelings away too.
Got once, Eugene was send to Penang Branch for couple of month. We missed each other so much, we talked in the phone almost every night, we sms each other like crazy. Our phone bill is high like our Twin Tower. I feel lonely but I still manage to take it as I planned to fly over to spend our holidays in Penang. We took leave and enjoy our holidays so much. Of course, short term seperation is always good for couple. We are more in love when we see each other again after months of seperation. That was a very good holidays we had.
Now, I have to test myself with this distance thing. I need to know how much I will miss him when he is away. I need to make it clear with myself. Someone told me that this is always the best time to tell yourself how much he meant to you. Needless to tell, I already feel down when it's getting near for him to leave KL. I know... I know we have this INTERNET, EMAILS, MSN MESSENGER... bla bla bla... But it still not the same when you know that he is not in the same city as you. Don't ask me why I feel so. That's what I feel.
I already start missing him. I already feeling down. I already feel like seeing him more before he leave. Helpless... I feel helpless when come to this. No need to wait till after he leave, I can tell you that I will definately, surely, 100% miss him very much. I hate when someone I care leave me alone......
Thursday, September 22, 2005
New colleagues......
Not that we are desperate, it's due to the fact that we do lack of guys in our company. For example, Finance department [which I'm based at], 100% girls, Can't even smell a boy around. Hahahaha.... There are 80% female in our company. For the remaining of 20% male species, 10% are old men, 40% are matured men [all attached or married], 50% are kiddo. Can't blame us on being so excited for the new handsome colleague. :P [Eh! I'm so good in doin analysis after I joined this marketing research company... hahahahha]
Then, Ms. N told us that today will come another new staff [C], which is a handsome guy too. Again, I never believe on what she told me. We were so excited to meet him since today's morning. But, our Ms. E is so lucky that she is in HR Department and she able to has the first glance at him in da early morning as she is the one who lead him to his department!! We are so JEALOUS. Hahahhahaha.... There come many questions throwed to Ms. E on this new colleague. Again, emails flying in and out like nobody business.
And we found out that this [C] is working in the same department as our Ms. H. We are so envy!!! and now, the responsibility is falls on Ms. H. She forced to be our spy on [C]. Kakakakka... Ms. N is really powerful and she has worked out a questionnaire for Ms. H to ask [C]. Ms. N is really a good researcher, so effective and so creative... hahahhahaa.... We are all making noise as Ms. H is going for the welcome lunch for [C] with her department colleagues. We went for our lunch in group again, busy on wondering how [C] looks like as non of us have a glance of him beside Ms. E.
According to Ms. E, [C] looks matured, tall and gentlement. Ms. E brough [C] to have a tour around the office and introduce him to everyone. It must be a wonderful tour she ever have, we said. Hahahahahaha... And finally I able to have a look at him. He looks good, tall, fair, short hair, decent looking, well dressed up, clean, tidy, looks friendly, good manners. He make the effort on trying to remember everyone's name, as we all know it's impossible to do so. We have over 150 permanent staffs in the office, I will give him a bow if he able to do that! :P
When Ms. E finally ended her tour with [C], the emails flying again. My conclusion to these incidents is- HANDSOME GUY REALLY CAN SPICE UP OUR MOOD! Hahahhahaha... Can't you see our mood is so high when we know that there are some handsome guys around? Handsome guys can also energizing us, it's straightly to our gang only. I'm not sure about others. Everyone being so awake when come to this topic. Girlssssss.... We have to behave. Hahahahahaha....
I can't stop smiling when I was reading all those silly emails from my colleagues. Actually I wanted to laugh out loud, but I can't. Office hours lahh... what you laughing at? Hahahahaha... behave... behave... So, Ms. H promised to join for lunch tomorrow and also will do her reporting on [C] and [B]. [B] is also same department as her. What a lucky lady she is ya....
I have all these silly and crazy colleagues. So fun to have them around... and that's why we never want to missed out our lunch time unless we have no choice. Too bad Ms. C is on MC, if not, I think the emails will be more like M16. LOLZ....
I never demand much from my career. Friendly colleagues, No office politics, Understanding Boss, OK pay, Good location, Handleable workloads, Handleable pressure, Good staffs' benefit, systematic system. That's all I need. And I have all of it in this new job of mine, I'm happy, I'm satisfied. My dream job.
So, I'm looking forward on tomorrow's lunch. Hahahhaahha... Let's see what Ms. H will tell us.
The man......
Maybe others might see his greatest in his powerful boxing skills. I see his greatest power in his love towards his family. What a man... I admire his spirit for fighting on what he wants, for his love- HIS FAMILY. What we are if we do not have love in us. What we are if we do not have our family who support us with no doubt? What we are if we never love anybody in our life?
The movie is so good!!!!! Amazing!!! I never expected it can be that good. So touched yet breath taking and exciting. Everything is possible for a willing heart. Wow... It's a very great movie.. shouldn't be missed out. I'm glad that we went for this movie together [with Mr. Uncle]. It has been a long time there doesn't has any good movie like this. The tickets really worth it, the pop corn worth for its price too... kakakakakaka... I love this movie and it's highly recommended to you, my friends - CINDERELLA MAN!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I wan to DIET lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone able to provide me the most effective way to become slimmer pretty lady beside EXERCISE??? You know? Like some secret recipe... some god damn effective medicine... I have this bad habit--> try on any diet medicines! Hahahahaha... anything that seems effective for me, I will give a damn try on it. My mom also scared of me. And that's why I never let her know what medicine I'm taking unless that's something for health! :P Bad Girl!!!!
I started my oat meal for my breakfast and I started feeling hungry around 11am... it's so hungry like someone playing drum in your stomach!! Hahahahhaa... I try my best to take it... I drink so much water to neutralize the acid... :P But still, I'm hungry like hell!! HA~~ I hold it till 1230pm and rush for lunch! I choosed the stall with less people waiting around and ordered FRIED RICE! I told myself not to finished the Fried Rice as the portion is kinda big, the rice is like a small hill... Unfortunately, I was too hungry and too happy chatting with my colleague. I didn't realised that my fried rice is getting lesser and lesser. And at the end, i finished my fried rice!!!!!! MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I FINISHED MY RICE!!!!!!!
AIYOoooooOooOo....... I WAN TO DIET LAH!!!!! Can't be like this liao!!! I must control myself!!! I must take my oat meal in da morning, normal lunch with half portion in da afternoon and yogurt and fruits as dinner! Maybe some oatmeal bread also. Actually... oat meal is QUITE delicious lah [liar!!!!! liar!!!!]..... -____-"
Actually I'm not that greedy also... just let me have 36 24 36... I'm very happy with it already! hahahahahahaha..... :P No lah, just let me able to fit into M size lah!!!! but still with my 36inches breast ya. Don't let my 36B gone due to my diet :P But oh..... When a person slim down, everything also will be smaller than what it used to be, It's normal I know. Ok lah, still got B cup also consider good enough, right? Don't care lah!!! talk about that later! Let me slim down first!!!
Will try on the plan [created by myself] for a month. So, friends, I might be missing for dinner and coffee for a month... kakakakakaa.. or mayb not missing for coffee..only MIA for dinner. Don't want to go Pasar Malam lah!!! So seductive!! I means the food :P
Monday, September 19, 2005
Why is a man can always come out with unsincere words easily like eating vegetable?
Why is a man can simply tell a girl that he likes her specially even he doesn't mean it?
Why is a man always use NOT READY as an excuses to get avoid from a relationship?
Why is a man taking commitment as killing pills?
Why is a man only care on sex more than anything?
Why is a man so scared of pregnancy but still want sex?
Why is a man always being confused on their own mind than a woman?
Why is a man like a chicky than anything?
Why is a man got no more guts to face whatever that comes to them?
Why is a man act like a sissy??
Why is a man no longer as brave as our HERO eg. Brad Pitt in TROY??
Why is a man can be so uncertain but still claiming that women are complicated?
Since when???
Since when men are acting like a woman?
Since when women are so strong and can stand alone.
Since when women start to bear and handle all the hard cases by themselve?
Since when women never believe/ rely on men's words?
Since when women no longer hide behind men and start to have their own life?
Since when women able to take sex as a game like what men taking it as?
Since when women able to be in ONS like no body business but still know how to protect themself?
Since when women claimed that men means nothing to us? only the dick can do some work to satisfy our needs?
Since when dildo/ vibrator is one of the most demanding sex toys in the market?
Do not blame women on their strongness.
Do not blame women on their coldness.
Do not blame women on their independent.
Do not blame women on their disappointment towards men.
Do not blame women on their flirty attitude.
Do not blame women on fighting on their own rights.
Do not blame women on having a clear mind.
Do not blame women on being so smart to be cheat.
Do not blame women on not being cry hard for their man.
Blame on yourself, men!
You made us to be like this since centuries.
We used to rely on you, believe in you.
We used to be a bone in you. But you neglected our feelings, neglected our needs.
We used to be very in love with you, we used to be very caring and tender to you.
We used to listen to your words obligationally.
We used to bear whatever pain, coldness, irresponsibility, upset, disappointment that given by you.
We used to give whatever you demand us to give.
We used to be soft, and dependant.
Due to your careless, and never appreciate on our love.
We choosed to leave you.
We choosed to have our brand new life.
We choosed to enjoy life as what you had.
We choosed to be self centered as you.
We choosed to have our happy life without you around.
We never wanted to be like this if men know how to appreciate us.
Old Friends......

THIS DRINK IS DELICIOUS..... DAMN DELICIOUS as a LOW FAT DRINKS. Highly recommended by a chubby girl as me. Kakakakakaka... Enjoy it when you are in diet... Yummyy... very good one!!! Well done!!! Dutch Lady!!! :P
The drink is not the main thing I wanted to blog lah!!!
There is a chance for me to meet up with my old school friends in Jeannie house on friday night. I went not because of the purpose to meet my school friends but to support Jeannie on what she is doing right now. As a best friend of her, this is what I can do beside joining her on that. Everyone was so bored, KS even fall asleep!!! Hahahahahhaa... I laugh like hell after that!! :P So malu!!!!
Wanted to go home after the meeting as it's already quiet late. They keep dragging me for a cup of tea. Kenneth keep looking at me, If I nod my head, he is going too. No choice, I have to go then since got someone stick on me. Hahahaha.. So I went. But never regret even I back home by 130am!!! We talked about the meeting, about D.S and M.L.M... hahahaha... They all complained that Jeannie should tell them ealier about the purpose of the meeting up. I got nothing to tell about that as I must support her. Then, we started to talk about nonsense... and all laugh like nobody business. So loud, so happy!! :)
Kenneth was weird that night, at first, he keep sitting near to me in Jeannie's place and touched my leg with his leg. Then, he touched my arm and caress my arm when in mamak! After that, he moved his place next to me when another friend of us joined us and put his chair beside me. Arghhh... then, he started to hints to everyone that we actually got something going on!! Kenneth left ealier than anyone. Then they all started to dig information from me. They asked me how's everything going on between us? I said, "Nothing happened also! He is the one who have IMAGINATION on me only!" Hahahaha...then everyone is laughing like hell!! "GOOD SAID!!!" they said. LOLZ!!
Anyway, it's great to catch up with old friends again. So much to talk, so much to laugh at.
Went to have a look at my new house this morning. Disappointed. 100% different from the sample house, even the measurement!! Everything seems shrink into 40% smaller than what we saw!! Disappointed!! And the quality is like shit!!!! I told my mom on how disappointed I am on this new house. I told her that I regret on paying that much money to buy this house. She felt the same as me too. But what to do?? No choice. Either move in or sell it off. I think my mom won't want to sell it off. So, have to move it lohhh... forced to!!!
Now I know why some people willing to pay more for a ready house. At least they can see how it is then only decide on getting it or not. New is good, but when things turn out not as your expectatioin, disappoinment will replace your excitement. Sighh... No choice.. Have to accept the fact now!
Life... always not as what you wanted it to be.
Friday, September 16, 2005

My mom able to guessed who celebrated my birthday night with me. Weird! How come she knows that? Hahaha... When she speak out the name, I asked her "How do you know that???" She smile and said "I know lah." And she asked me many questions. I know that she is worry on me as I did not seeing anyone since I broke off with Eugene. My sister did tell me that my mom is worrying on me. She even told my sister to pass her message to me. Do not flirt around anymore, if found someone you like, just get yourself settle down. -___-"
It's understandable that she worry on me as I'm not as young as I used to be. I did tell her that I can't simply pick someone with LIGHT SABRE [any color lah] and marry him... right?? She said.. "Ya also...." Kakakakaka..... My mom very funny one, she is more like a friend to me than a mom. Of course, she did her part very well as the best mom for me and my sister. She does taking care of us 100%. I having my oat breakfast when my mom back from market on my birthday morning. She asked me, "enough to feel full??" I said.."actually... no..." hahahahhaa.... Then she said.."eat noodle lahh... you must eat noodle because today is your birthday..." and that's my fav WAN TAN MEE... :)
Sometimes, I will wonder, what will happened on my days without her around. I will have to do all the houseworks, laundry, cooking.... oOOoOo... so tiring!!! kakkakaakkaa Mama...I love you... I know you love me too!!!
Love... When you want it, it never comes to you. When you give up on it, it pop out just like that. I got no expectation on anyone since Mr. A. Maybe I started to giving up on it. I'm tired. I rather have some good companion than anything now. Love is not only sweet, but it's tiring too.
Dance like no one is watching
Love like you will never get hurt
Sing like no one is listening
Live like it's heaven on earth
I always bear this in my mind. I try to get back my passion that I used to have in life. I found that I'm much more happier after I started my new job. Not only my job bring me back some happiness. My friends always play the most important role in that. Especially someone who always give me his best words and companion when I need someone. I appreciate it very much.
Afterall, Life goes on. My heart will go on. No matter I'm single or not available. I still have to live my life to the best I can. For my family, for my friends and for those who ever hurt me.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
My Birthday....... :)
Very happy today. Company had a small party for those whose birthday falls on September. Got chocolate cake to eat. :) My colleagues from my department all wished me on that, feel so shy. They gathered all the staffs at the pantry area, with 3 big cakes on the table. All our names are on the cakes, so everyone will know who are the birthday girls / boys. There are candles on the cakes, they started to sing Birthday song when everyone is here. So shy... I hide at the corner there. I really feel shy.. I'm not into birthday party... I shy..
Jeannie and Kenneth came over to Mid Valley and have lunch with me. We went to DOME for lunch. We framed Kenneth and make him pay the bill... hahahaha...we are so bad!! :) I lagi bad, I told Kenneth, "Since you never get me flowers or present, this bill consider as my present lohh..." hahahahahaha....
I spend my night with Mr. Uncle. Meet up with him at his working place. He picked me up at the entrance of HARTAMAS. I saw a bunch of flower when I got into the car... SUPRISE!! I still feel so suprise even though he said he though of getting me flowers. I didn't expect he will got me flowers, I thought he was just joking with me. I'm so happy when I saw it!!!!!! WOW!!! Actually, my wish for this birthday is to get a bunch of flower from someone. But from my survey, most of the guys rather buy something else for me than FLOWERS!!! I wonder why. Then, I asked Mr. Uncle on msn messenger, "Honey, will you buy me a bunch of flower if I said I want it?" He tell me that he actually wanted to get me flowers. I thought he was joking and never believe what he told me. When I saw the flowers lying in his car. I felt so touched, I felt so happy. I really love it.
We went to Oriental Cravings @ 1U, for dinner. Then we went to Coffee Bean.. Mr. Uncle help me on transferring my photos into CD :) I got those old photos all in a CD now... Kakakakakaka...Now my HDD got more space for more photos.... LOLZZ.. Mr. Uncle got the Japanese song for me, I'm so happy!!!
Such a good day... such a good night... such a wonderful birthday... I received so many birthday wishes sms and calls from all my friends. I feel so happy. At least, they still remembered me even they seldom show up around me. Alvin remembered my birthday, he sms and wished me. I wondered how come he remembered it. He said he is care about me. -____-"
Thanks to Mr. Uncle for his companion. But where is my BIRTHDAY KISS? :P
ps: I can't help.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Happy Birthday to meeeeeee.....
Happy Birthday!!!!!! May all my wishes comes true!!!! May I work happily...May everyone love me much much much.... May I got many many money .... May I found what I want!!!! May my family all being healthy and happy!!! May I happy always toooo......
Happy Birthday to me ~~~~~~~~
My colleagues are very sweet. They know that it's my birthday, they suggested to go for dinner. We went for dinner @ Mr.Ho tonight. We chatted alots and laughted alots. I feel like the old days I'm back to Invisage. Got many friendly colleagues, helpful and kind. Share our life, chat alots, being close to each other. I'm glad to accept this job offer.. :) Thanks for Elaine & HH. :)
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Slept by 2am. Had many dreams in a night.
1. Dream of a Japanese couple, from their kids' life to their teenagers' life. They are very in love with each other since they are kids. It's a love story dream. At the end, the girl died for dont' know what reason. Forgot. I felt like crying in my dream.
2. Dream of a pair of husband and wife. The wife is disability due to some accident. She is forever on wheel chair. Need someone to take care of her every single basic needs. The husband never leave her, but taking care of her with his patient and his heart. One day, I'm suppose to meet up with this husband, he brought his wife along. When he carry his wife from the car and put her on the wheel chair, I feel so touched. I never see any true love as this. I felt like crying in my dream.
3. I was in a fast food restaurant, queing up for my drinks. When im queing up, I saw Eugene was queing up at another line. He didn't saw me. After I bought my drinks... I walk over and say HI to him. He seems so uneasy on it. He didn't look at me, pretending bz on buying his meal. And I feel upset. End of this dream.
4. Many more of dreams. But I can't remember so much.
As a conclusion, my dreams are all sad. All made me feel like crying. Feeling so down when I got up today. Sigh... what a sad night.
Friday, September 09, 2005

They also have tarot reading over there, of course, you have to pay for it. Most of the people come for the tarot reading [mostly gals, got guys also but I can tell that they are GAY! ]. You have to make an order if you wanted to have your future to be told. It's always a long Q waiting there, of course, you do not have to stand there and wait. You can always enjoy your meal, your drinks or your chat while waiting for your turn, the waitress will inform you when it's your turn. This place is highly recommended!! :)
Very tired these few days. Accompany Eunice to run here and there. Meeting friends, have drinks, shopping... Killing me!! But she is leaving on Sunday, I must grab as much free time as I have to accompany her, no matter how tired am I. Really happy with her around, at least, I do not feel lonely with her around. Chatting with her is making my days brighter. Just wish that she will be always be here with us.
My birthday is coming lohhhhh... Don't know got anyone celebrate for me or not ler???? Don't care lah, still have to work on that day. My birthday was always lonely after I'm single. I'm growing older...and older and older. Sometimes, I will think... What I am when I'm old like 50 years old??? Will I sitting in the garden and enjoying my happy moments with my grandchildren? Or I will be a very pitiful old lady, staying alone with no one around?? Life... is beautiful yet unexpected. Enjoy every moments you have. Do not regret on what you did and what you didn't.
I did something, but I never regret to let him know about it. I always believe of life is short, and that's why I never want to hide my feelings. I just want to know the answer, not playing the game through. Yes means Yes, No means No. Simple and easy. :)
Life is beautiful ... Enjoy your moments.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Maybe... I should.....
Good girl never get attention, never get priority, never get to attract her prince of charms, never get high pay, never get what she wants in her life, never have interesting life, never have challenging life, never have guts to take risks, never enjoy her life to da max, never been drunk in da club, never enjoy sex, never play with someone's feelings, never go anywhere as they wish, never leave home without leave a message, never swim in da sea nakedly, never........never......
I should be a bad girl... i should...
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Happy Birthday.... Eunice
It's so happy to see her again. I'm very happy... very very happy indeed. :) But I'm kinda tired as I have been the driver for the whole day!!!! But, it is a happy day!!! :)

My Dates........
Time- 7:00 to 12:30am
Victim- Mr. Uncle
Venue- Planet Hollywood, GSC [Times Square], Starbucks [Times Square]
This is a very good date. I enjoyed myself so much. Just love Mr. Uncle's companion so much. Went to Planet Hollywood for dinner. I ordered a suck drink.. taste like cough syrup... yuckssss.. Mr. Uncle's drink is guava juice, taste better than mine. Then, I have their fish & chips, he got their BBQ beef rib. The portion is very very very very big... i tried to finished my meal, but.. I failed.. Mr. Uncle unable to finished his as well. Then we proceed to Times Square for IMAX. But we are late, the last show was at 9pm, we are there around 9something. Then we decided to go to GSC and see what movie we able to catch. Luckily, we able to get a good seat for the RED EYE. Good movie, breath taking but the show is kinda short. After movie, we went to Starbucks, we shared a CAMERAL ICE BLENDED... Not bad. I started to change my view on Starbucks.. hahahahaha. So we chat chat there.. till 12something. I talked so much even my english is so broken... hahahahaha... :P Tak tau malu!!! Aiya... nevermind lah as long as Mr. Uncle never complain :P Such a good night!!! I love it.
Date- 30.08.05
Time- 8:30pm to 11:00pm
Victim- Mr.J
Venue- Fridays [One Utama]
A last minute date from Mr. J. He was not goin anywhere on that night, so am I. So he asked me whether wanted to meet up for a drink or what. I said OK. So the date is set. I was abit late actually. He was waiting for me at Fridays' entrance. I hate to be late, but no choice, the traffic is so slow due to our Merdeka Eve. So, i'm late! Then we went into the restaurant and settle down. I didn't eat much as I took some porridge at home. Very nice porridge from my mom. I got an appetizer and he got the Fish & Chips. Looks nice. Hahahaha.... We laugh and laugh till 11pm. I suggested to leave as he has to work the next day and I wanted to avoid the traffic jam. So we end the date. Sms each other from home. Hahahahha.... Mr. J give me a GOOD MORNING SMS almost everyday, every working days. He never disturb my sleep when it's weekend or holidays. So thoughful of him. And he will send me another sms when he off work or he is home. Lovely eh. He always tell me to ring him if I need companion and he will always be there for me. He really mean it, and he really make it for me. Suppose to meet up with him for our coffee session on Friday night, but we called it off because he has to entertained on of his vendor from Germany. Such a lovely guy he is.
Date- 28.08.2005
Time- 3:00pm
Victim- Me!!
Murderer- The Chef
Venue- KLCC~ Food Court
Know this guy from Been emailing to each other for not long time. Exchanged mobile number. He always called for meeting up. Been rejected him for many times. He called me up in da early morning that day, and I was sleeping. He asked me many things and also asked for meeting up, I was so blur and just say YES. Shit!!!! No choice, I always keep my promised. So I show up at KLCC just to meet him. He called when he reached KLCC, I asked him to meet at Coffee Bean. The 1st impression--> Gosh!!!! why dress like an UNCLE???? Just like my dad only!!!! My dad also got better taste on fashion than him eh!!!!!
He asked me what I would like to have. I told him and he went to Q for the drinks. He back to me suddenly and asked me to go to Food Court as he hasn't take his lunch and would like to have some food. He sound like there has no food in Coffee Bean. Stingy come into my mind, I can't control it but I think he is. Coz he even asked me to have my drink in Food Court. Fine, we went to Food Court as he wished. He rushed to the food stalls immediately after we reached Food Court without checking whether I'm still with him or not. Terrible!!!! He doesn't even care to get a seat for me to sit down and wait for him to get his food! It's OK... I walked over and tell him that I'm going to get us a seat first. I got a seat and was sitting there without any drinks as it was so full of people, I have to reserved the table by sitting there.
He back with his Germany Sausage and a glass of Apple Juice. I'm sure the juice was not for me, but he felt guilty that he never get me any drinks and I did not get for myself too. He offered me the glass of Apple Juice from Germany!! So kind of him. I wondered is a sausage enough for him or not, he said not enough and he went to get himself a CHICKEN RICE. So, 2 plates of food infront of him now, and he start eating eagerly. I though that I'm dating a hungry ghost there. He seems like didn't eat for a year. So hungry, so rush... He stuffed his mouth with food and start asking me questions with his full mouth of food. I asked him to finished his food then only talk to me. I feel horrible and I feel like leaving, but I did not do so. I don't feel good on doing so. So, I enjoy my apple juice and try to avoid on looking at his face.
I do not know how to tell on his table manners, I only know that he ate his chicken like the chicken killed his family in the previous life. He throwed the used tissue papers all over the table... and he eat with full mouth of food. Eeemmm... I really feel like leaving. Then, he excused himself for a drink after he is done with his food. So, I'm 100% sure that the APPLE JUICE was not for me. He back with his PINEAPPLE JUICE. He offered me to have a try on it, I didn't of course. Then he told me that the juice is good but too much fibre. He asked me whether I know what fibre is. I nodded my head and said YES. But it seems like my YES didn't sound clear enough for him, he sticked out his tongue and show me the PINEAPPLE's FIBRE. Eeemmm... It's OK. I just smile at him. Then he asked, "Do you still want your APPLE JUICE? I wanted to try on it as It's from Germany." I have some leftover of APPLE JUICE there. I'm so shocked, and said "Take it then." He took all my apple juice. Another time I can 200% sure that the APPLE JUICE was not for me at the first place. Gosh!!!! what a man!!!!! After he took all, He seems so satisfied and telling me that the APPLE JUICE tasted so good. -____- "
After this, he start telling me about his experience on SNOW. He has been working around Europe for 11 years. Then he told me that he quit smoking since last week, and he wanted to smoke so much now. He told me how he play with the ciggrates. -_____- " I seldom talk, as I feel moodless at all. He claimed that I'm so quiet. I told him that I'm tired due to lack of sleep. Then, he said "I think I have to go lah, it's 430pm.. I have to work at 5pm." while picking his food from his teeth with a toothpick. I said "Ok, No problem." He stood up right after I said this and just walk away like this without say BYE! Don't even mentioned that he will wait for me!
This is the most terrible date I ever have in my life. I never been into such bad date. Nightmare!!! Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phewww..... Such a long blog. Fingers tired. Mr. Uncle said I should blog about this Mr. Chef. Hahahahaha.. such a bad experience!!!
I love Mr. Uncle's companion always. The great one... Don't know why, I just being so happy to tell him about my life, my past, my friends. Just love to share everything with him. Even though it's a very small issue.
Mr. J, a very good friend he can be. Always on call for me at least :P No lah, joking. He got his life. But he is seeing me more often than seeing his new gf. I wondering how she feel as she knew that Mr. J met up wit me. I also wondering why he always asked me for meet up. I'm kinda worry for Mr. J actually. Not every girl can be so generous, even there has some, but there is always a boundary. Hope her boundary is far more for him to touch on. God Bless Mr. J.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Aiyaaa.... it come again.....
Yesterday, working day, 1st day.. suffer like hell. My baby's home feel so sore... so pain.. my back bone so tired.. feel sore sore... suffer!!! Due to these torturing pain and sore, I got no mood to work, no mood to talk, no mood to go out for coffee with Mr.J. Whenever my aunty visit me, I will never have good night sleep, because I feel worry and insecure. Worry about leakage... worry about overflow... this and that. The most torturing period in a month..
Nothing to blog liao lah.... feel like dying...