Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Count down......

9 days to go.

Then I will be in Bangkok, enjoying my holidays!! Can't wait.


It's August 2006. We only left a quarter to go for Year 2006. Time flies.

What I've done in Year 2006???

Let's review on my 2006 New Year Resolution......
1. Slim down [ Every year also have the same wish... but never able to fulfill this wish of mine.. sad eh..]
2. Travel [ Done!! I'm going to Bangkok!]
3. Get a good pay and easy job [Done!! I'm now enjoying my god damn free and good pay job.. Kakakaka...]
4. Get myself financially stable [ Emmm... still working on it... I'm such a bithcy big spender!!! Banks like me, and I'm bringing myself to the HELL!!!! ]

Anyway, already cut off alots, I seldom shopping nowadays.... My "shopping" here means... really SHOP.... buy lots of things... I seldom do so nowadays... sometimes, feel kinda lost... as SHOPPING always filled up my empty soul, lonely heart... No shopping = No life... Sighhhhh.... Sad!!!!!

Nevermind ya, I'm goin to Bangkok eh... I saved my monies for Bangkok eh... :P But, have to control... I'm broke.. always broke.. but still can enjoy life...

Maybe I'm the STRAWBERRY GROUP as what newspaper said... It means, LOOKS NICE FRM OUTLOOKS, BUT INSIDE... GOT NOTHING. :D Ya, I think I'm the STRAWBERRY. I looks delicious... Hahahahahahah.

I'm lucky that I got this small house.... at least, I won't have to stay at the road side when I'm 100% broke!!!

Ha!! good news, my next year's trip is confirmed... TAIWAN!!!! A country that I always wanted to pay a visit. Can't resist their food [especially their damn creative restaurants], their entertainment, their fashion, their cutey things... such a beautiful country.

So, I already can work out on my 2007's Resolution.....
1. Slim down [as always]
2. Travel [Confirmed]
3. Work hard and get higher pay [Hopefully....]
4. Financially Stable [Abit hard..]
5. Get Married [Lagi difficult to achieve................ LOLZ...]

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