The movie of Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire will only be up by... 18 November 2005, worldwide.... Can't wait.. It's such a long time... Aiyo... I can't wait!! I miss Harry so much!!!!
Been talk to Mr. A about the issue. I told him that I will give him some little time he requested for, but I have no guarantee that I will still available or ready for him when he THINK that he is ready. He agreed with this. He said he won't give up on me. He said he will still ask me out again & again & again... He said he will still take me as his most potential gf as long as I'm still single.
Have decided... which seems is the best decision to me... Time Frame to Mr. A will be the day of my Birthday.. 14 September 2005. More than a month.. Hope this is reasonable enough for a person to make up his mind on this issue. I hope so...... Think so hard last night, didn't sleep well and woke up with my swallon eyes... so ugly..
So, I will back to my normal life, dating with all different guys as I wish... hahahaha... I'm OK.. I feel much better after talk to few of my friends who do care of me so much.. Thanks to them!!!
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