Wow!!!! I got an early birthday present. It's very early actually as my birthday is on September. But I like the gift so much!!! It's from my little cousin- Jack.. He is sweet enough to got me that present. It's a book... It's a hot book... It's new released... It's HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE!!!!!!! Gosh!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! I can't stop smiling while I'm looking at the book which lying beside me... HARRY POTTER is HOT!!! I haven't start reading it as I just got back from the movie- FANTASTIC 4. The movie is average with nice computer graphic, just as what we expected.
I'm damn happy... My days won't be so boring with HARRY POTTER with me.. kakakakakkaa...
Met up with Mr. Uncle last night for horror movie. Sushi King is having JAPANESE DESSERT FESTIVAL.. there has different types of japanese dessert... we share the MACHA ICE CREAM [green tea flavour]... it taste good, you can tell it is made by green tea...hahahhaaha... very green tea ehh... but I like it. Then, we saw another dessert named ICE GUY.... from the photo, its shape is like the coke's bottle. We were wondering whether it is an ice cream and eat like the way of eating ice cream [Mr. Uncle's guess] or it's inside a plastic bottle and squeeze it out and eat [my guess]...then, we saw a couple sharing the ICE GUY!! and the way to eat it is... what i guessed... hahahaha.. I WON!!! the way the gal eat it is like.. sucking on something.. hahahahaha ... Both of us have the same thought and we laughed!!!
It was a nice meeting. Mr. Uncle said I'm abit shy in person. I do admit this, because I always need more time to warm up. :P Anyway, I do enjoy his companion. Especially the ICE GUY part..hahahahha... :) I know Mr. Uncle will read this. Message for Mr. Uncle --> Thanks for the night, even I din't talk as much as I used to be, but I do enjoy your companion. It's very nice to have you around. :)
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